See you again

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I fiddle nervously with my fingernails as we wait for our plane. The wait feels like forever, so I ask mum if I can go get an iced lemonade from Costa Coffee seeing as there is no Starbucks at the airport. I stand patiently in the line and wait for my turn. Finally the cashier asks me for my order. I reply lifelessly and look at my phone.

'Maddie?!' The cashier asks me. I look up:

Her dark gorgeous features staring at me, in front of me stood

'Izzy!' I gasp. 'Shit they've started boarding, I have to go Izz'

'Call me?!' She calls

'I will' I shout over my shoulder.

Isabelle, was my girlfriend. I'm not gay, just bisexual. Isabelle was my first serious girlfriend but she moved to Edinburgh so I never saw her that much anymore unless I went to visit Eben and Annelie, two friends who lived in Edinburgh. But they left for Seattle a while ago so I never really had a reason to go to Edinburgh anymore. Isabelle's hair was twice as long as before and she had purple highlights added to her black hair. Her eyes had been as blue as ever.

'Come on Maddie' Caitlin shouts.

'Coming Caitlin' I join her and the rest of my family in the queue. I tried to focus on the PPL episode but I just couldn't. Izzy always hated pretty little liars - "what's the point of girls running around trying to solve mysteries and keeping everything a secret from everybody?" - I can't get Izzy out of my head, it's so frustrating.

Finally we land. It's raining but our bags come almost 3 minutes after we got off the plane. We collect them and walk towards the exit.

"Auntie Karen should be here to collect us" Caitlin mumbles.

"MADDIE!!!!!" I here a voice and look towards it.
Lia, my best friend and godsister, is running towards us. She jumps on me causing me to drop my Michael Kors and my phone but for once I'm not mad. I'm soooo  happy to see her that I don't  really care that my phone has a slight crack on the screen or that my packet of winegums has spilt on the floor.

"It's so good to see you Lee-Lee" I whisper in her ear.
I don't  let go of her for ages, Lia is my only comfort and she is my absolute favorite even over Caitlin. Lia laughs I have forgotten how much I love her laugh. It's  so beautiful and catching. I smile.

"Good to see you too Maddie" I hear a husky voice.

"LUKE!" I exclaim.
He sweeps me up into his arms. My 17 year old cousin is a nightmare. He is amazingly tall and strong and stands up for me a lot. He and his mum Auntie - oops Ms Kinnen - moved to Luxembourg a while back. Uncle Oskar is currently in South Africa for work, so we won't be seeing him for a while.

"Give me my Maddie back"  Kaylen frowns at Luke. Kaylen is Lia's sister and has grown a lot since last Christmas.
"Hiya Madds" she bends  down and kissed me on the cheek.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't recognized me; I have changed a lot" she grinned as I took in her appearance:
Wavy waist length chocolate coloured hair, dark brown eyes, red lips, three pierced ears, cute black Arctic monkeys crop top showing off her belly button piercing, tight white jeans, a baby pink shawl and black vagabond high heeled boots.

"Kay-Kay look who's left the Tom-Boy phase behind?" I giggle.
"Yup I've changed a lot haven't I?" She grins back.

"Bo-bo girl!!" Auntie Karen exclaims.
"Hello I've missed you" I manage to get out before she sweeps me into a bear hug.
"Well we can't stay here forever can we? Let's go!!" Auntie Karen smiles.

We get into Karen's car and Luke and his mum take our luggage. Kaylen decides to go with Luke - I am pretty sure she has a massive crush on him but anyway I don't want her to be rejected by Luke. It starts raining as we drive to our new house, according to Mum, we have had people install everything so we can be settled in before starting school in September. Mum did say that both Caitlin and my room had been installed the way we had asked except we can unpack our precious stuff. Lia chats away excitedly about me starting in her year at the European School of Luxembourg I. Apparently we were going to go to ESL II but Mum had it changed not wanting us to be separated from Lia and Kaylen.  Lia starts telling me hot juicy school gossip but is interrupted by Mum - "WE'RE HERE!!!"

Hope you liked it:)
Elli xxx

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