Chapter: 11 (BACs)

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In a clinical setting, three days after reuniting, Hashir and Mirhab sat attentively across from Dr. Carter, eagerly awaiting the results of the victim's postmortem examination. Dr. Carter, adopting a professional demeanor, cleared his throat to capture their undivided attention.

"I have reviewed the findings from the postmortem examination, and they are quite concerning," Dr. Carter began, maintaining a serious tone.

Hashir leaned in, his gaze fixed intently on Dr. Carter.
"Please proceed with the details," he requested.

With a measured breath, Dr. Carter continued, "Externally, the victim displayed signs consistent with chemical burns, including skin irritation and blistering." He pointed towards the displayed photographs on his desk.
"However, what I found particularly noteworthy was the presence of Benzalkonium chlorides as the cause of death. This chemical was ingeniously concealed within a common over-the-counter medication."

Mirhab's expression shifted to one of disbelief. "How could someone orchestrate such a scheme?" she inquired.

Dr. Carter responded, "The perpetrator possessed an advanced understanding of chemistry and pharmacology, manipulating the Benzalkonium chlorides to evade the body's natural defenses. This allowed the poison to seep into the victim's system without raising suspicion."

The weight of Dr. Carter's words sent a shiver down their spines. "So, the victim unknowingly consumed this lethal substance?" Mirhab sought clarification.

Dr. Carter hesitated momentarily before continuing, "The quantity of Benzalkonium chlorides detected was considerably higher than standard therapeutic doses. It's improbable that the victim ingested it unknowingly without experiencing its effects."

Hashir's confusion was evident. "If the victim didn't willingly consume it, how did the poison enter their system?" he questioned.

Dr. Carter concurred, "That's the very question we're grappling with. The poison may have been administered covertly, possibly through food or drink. Yet, given its potency and the absence of signs of a struggle, it presents a complex enigma."

As Mirhab contemplated Dr. Carter's insights, she proposed, "So, the perpetrator not only formulated a deadly poison but also administered it without detection?"

Dr. Carter nodded, "Indeed. The individual responsible exhibits a deep understanding of both chemistry and subtlety in their approach. It's a disconcerting combination."

Hashir's frustration was palpable. "How could the poison selectively target non-vital physiological pathways without causing immediate harm?" he queried.

In a lowered tone, Dr. Carter explained, "The poison was designed to disrupt specific physiological pathways crucial for life but not directly linked to vital organs. This allowed it to undermine the victim's health covertly."

Mirhab summarized, "In essence, the victim was poisoned internally, with no outward indications of foul play until it was too late?"

Dr. Carter affirmed, "Precisely. It's a method of murder that's both cunning and insidious."Dr. Carter considered the question carefully before responding. "Benzalkonium chlorides are commonly found in household cleaning products, disinfectants, and antiseptics. While they are not typically associated with farming or gardening, they are readily available for purchase by the general public."

"However," Dr. Carter continued, "the quantity of Benzalkonium chlorides found in the victim's body is significantly higher than what would be present in household products. Obtaining such a large amount would be highly unusual and likely not accessible to the general public through ordinary means."

"So what are your thoughts on this?" Mirhab questioned him"the amount of Benzalkonium chlorides detected suggests a level of access beyond what an ordinary individual would possess." Dr.Carter Carefully Answered MIrhab's Question.

Hashir chimmed in, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "So, you're saying it's unlikely for an ordinary person to have access to this much of the chemical, but someone with higher connections or organizational ties might be able to obtain it?" The doctor nodded in agreement.

Hashir thumped his hand on the table, his fist clenched in frustration. "There's a mystery within a mystery here," he mused aloud. "Puzzles everywhere, like opening Pandora's box."

Coming out of the hospital, they both made their way to the parking lot, lost in their own thoughts. Quietly, they settled into the car, with Hashir taking the wheel. As they merged onto the road, Mirhab stole a glance at Hashir's expressionless face, sensing the weight of his thoughts.

"I'll help you, Hashir," Mirhab stated, her gaze fixed on him. Hashir turned slightly, a small smile playing at his lips.

"Why?" he questioned, his eyes returning to the road."Because I believe in you," Mirhab replied, facing forward.

Hashir couldn't resist teasing her, "But didn't you once accuse me of interfering with your work? Oh, and let's not forget your determination to prove Agha guilty."Mirhab chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, you know I never play a losing game."

Hashir couldn't help but laugh at Mirhab's playful reply. After a brief moment of silence, he turned his head to find Mirhab lost in her thoughts, gazing out the window."Well, Mira... I was thinking, how about you visit us this Sunday?" he suggested, gently pulling her back to the present.

"Who's 'us'?" Mirhab inquired. Hashir chuckled softly. "Laiha and me, of course. Who else?" he replied with a hint of amusement."Oh, Laiha. I'd love to meet her too," Mirhab answered with genuine excitement.

"Then Sunday it is, final?" Hashir asked, seeking confirmation. "Of course, yes," Mirhab replied happily, the thought of spending time with Hashir and his sister was enough to bring smile on her face.

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