Chapter 14

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Finland has woke up at 6:30 a.m.
Last night,he only slept for 6 hours because he didn't get enough sleep because of his stress due to the kidnapping of his friends.
He was at home. His own home.

While he eat breakfast,he look at the picture of his family. Him,his parents and his older brother. His face was sad when he look at it.
His family and him look happy but it's fake.
He had never have a good chilhood.

His father; Kingdom of Finnish,is an great warrior but his bad habits are that he always drink alchools. He would beat his own family and even rape his own maids. He will be furious and will beat the shit out of his own wife when she had demand a divorce but failed miserably due to her drunk husband.
He was the worst father of all times that he had ever have and also,he always cheat on his wife and will forced to make the maids to have sex with him. He felt no pities after he make his family suffer. He doesn't even cared about them,except for his older son which he loves the most.

His mother; the Union States of Finnish or only USF,is an very kind and responsable women. She had suffer from the pain that her own husband did that to her. She will always protect her own childrens despite to have a weak body. USF had regret to married Kingdom of Finnish since he's not the man that she really love in the past. She had caught many times to her drunk husband who he was sleeping some random womens or the maids who were forced to have sex with him. She was very depressed. USF wants to end her own life but she couldn't let her boys to be alone with their abusive alchoolic dad. In fact,she always cut herself.

His older brother;the Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic or only FSWR or Red Flag,
is an spoiled brat and also a bully.
He was Kingdom of Finnish's favourite child but he would sometimes being beat when he do something wrong but will be always reconforted by his own father. He would even frame Finland to the things he didn't do wrong. Red Flag bully and humiliate Finland whatever he wants and he love to make his younger brother's suffer really bad.
Kingdom of Finnish will always pay some attention to Red Flag and he also give some lunch money. Red Flag think his mother is weak and pathetic so he didn't even help nor comfort her.

After Kingdom of Finnish collapsed by Russian Empire,USF hang herself in the ceiling of her room,leaving her childrens behind because she couldn't even take it anymore.She knew it was very wrong but she wants to rest more and also wants to meet her own parents again.

Finland had suffer very more because his mother was the best mom he ever had and lock himself in his bedroom,crying.
But he knew he had to move on even if it's really hurt for him.

One day,Finland had a civil war agaisnt Red Flag and Finland is willing to win,even on the worst way and would never gave up.
Finland's real name was Suomi but he decide to change it in order to forget his cruel and horrible past,but he knew he couldn't.
He had change his real name into Finland.
Finland as the White Flag.

The Finnish Civil War has long last for only 5 months. Red Flag could see on how Suomi,
who is now Finland,is very much stronger and smarter than him as he smile and said his final words.

Red Flag: Eh... You are more amazing than i thought,Suomi. I'm glad. I'm glad you had became a brave and kind men.
Mom's must be very proud at you.

Finland gave him no emotions after hearing his last words. Their relationship as brothers is very bad and it was already too late now. He aimed the gun on Red Flag's forehead as he shoot him. Red Flag's body fell on the floor, looking one last time at Finland with a last smile. Bloods on the floor,his soul went to hell. Finland let tears on his face.

Not only he won the civil war,but he had just killed his last family member,even he treated him badly but he couldn't help it.
Finland love his brothers but,for what he had done,he still love him and it was very hard for him. He begin to sobbed very hard and let a desespering scream.

He fell on the floor on his knees as he hug Red Flag's body. He don't know why he did that but,it's like that. He was always like that.
I mean,he only loved his mom and his brother,but fir his dad,it's really hard for him if he must love or hate him.

Years past,he became the most famous detective of all time. He had met Estonia during Worl War 2 and they had become best friends.

They then both met Mongolia when they had came visit to help FBI and Mongolia has agreed to help them. She was a very kind and energetic women. And she was also smart.

Him and Mongolia will sometimes argues for random things and let's say that they are both absolutly unbelievable. And it's like that they were in a world just for them and only them understand on each others that no one would knew what and why. And Estonia feel like he was being completly ignored.

But now,here we are! Finland finish his breakfast as he go change and brush his teeths before he went outside.
He lock his door and call a taxi. While the taxi drive,he was in his thoughts. He was a little bit scared of what will happened to him.

He was now in the ***** Street as the mysterious women told him. He paid the driver and look around to see no one there's.
There is also no cameras so it's just perfect for him.

When he entered,all went black.
He finally woke up as he saw he was in cell.

???: Seems you woke up!

Finland turned around to see Mongolia,which she sit on the bed.

Finland: Olia! You're here! But where's Esto?

Mongolia just look down with no respond as Finland's wait for her answers. When she was about to talk,a voice interrupted them.

???: Well well well...! Look on what we have here!

Mongolia & Finland: LAFUD...

LAFUD: Correct!

Finland: You shit supposed to be dead...!

LAFUD: I know. Also,do you know why and how i survived? Well it was thanks to your little "friend".

Estonia then appeard next to LAFUD.
Finland was shock and felt betrayed while Mongolia give a death glared at him.

LAFUD: And it was thanks to Estonia that i survived on this incident. Oh wait!
Not Estonia but Eesti! Right...?

Estonia: Indeed...

LAFUD: Welp! I'm out! I let you three have some chats! Bye!

As he left,Estonia approach them,with no emotions in eyes. His eyes look that he hasn't slept for hours and it was a bit red.
Did he cry? Finland look at him with betrayed eyes. He wasn't expected that his own best friend and assistant woukd betrayed him.

Finland: Esto,why...? Why would you do this?
I-I thought we were friends...!

Estonia: I...just couldn't help it here...
Finn...You must understand why i did this but... It was both of you're own goods...

Mongolia: Goods? Goods?! FUCKING "GOODS"

Finland: Olia,calm down–


Estonia: Olia i–

Mongolia: NO words you fucking prick!
You were our friend! And yet,you fucking betrayed us! Just for our own goods?!
Yeah yeah right! I don't see what is good here!
Shitty bitch you are!! Don't you know you are in the bad side huh?!!

Estonia was just quiet after he heard thise words. The words that Mongolia's said was certainly true. He really did betrayed them.
He was an horrible friend.
He then walk away as Olia cursed in mongolian to him and Finland look at him walk away into the shadows.
He whispered himself.

Finland: How can i be so stupid...?

A/N: Man that was really sad.

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