Chapter Eight

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                                                                        Chapter Eight
"I am still learning how to go back & reread my own chapters without feeling like I want to set all of my pages on fire.
                                                                                                         ~E.V. ROGINA
                                                                            ~Rowena's POV~
                                                               ~Friday October 7th, 2022~

Since classes have been cancelled until further notice, I decided to return the papers that I have graded for Professor Pierce so that I could take that level of stress off of me. I had gotten what I needed done, so I knew I didn't have to worry about much until classes resumed...if they returned for that matter.

Steve and I both pulled up the to the University and walked in the direction of Professor Pierce's classroom. However, when we both got to the door, we saw Officer Johnson and Officer Fallon talking to him.

"What in the world?" I whispered.

Before they could see us, Steve grabbed onto me and we walked down the hallway. I was clutching the papers as we both stood by the wall.

"These guys have been everywhere." I said.

"Well, they said that they were Officers, so they have to ask people questions to get the answers that they need." Steve said.

"Yes, but, if they are Officers, then where are their uniforms, I mean why are they still here asking questions?" I asked in frustration.

"I don't know, maybe they need to cross check everything. You know, make sure that every story adds up." Steve replied.

"Yeah. You're probably right. I am sorry, it's just..." I started.

Steve walked closer to me and he put his hands on my shoulders to steady me. He looked down at me with his mesmerizing light brown hazel eyes and I felt immediately calm.

"Hey, Rowena. It's alright. We will figure this out." He calmly said.

I nodded my head and he just smiled at me and I did as well.

Just then we heard a door open and Steve and I looked down the hallway and saw Officer Johnson and Officer Fallon coming out of the classroom. When they walked down the opposite way of the hallway, Steve and I walked to the classroom.

I knocked on the door and Professor Pierce saw me and motioned for me to come in. Steve followed me into the classroom.

"Professor Pierce, here are the papers. This should be all of them." I said as I handed him the papers.

"Thank you Miss Lane." He said.

"If you need me to do anything else, I can." I offered.

"Oh, no, that will not be necessary Miss Lane. You have done more than enough. With classes being cancelled, you need a break as well." He gently said.

He sat down the papers on the desk and turned back to Steve and I.

"Alright, if you insist. Oh, and by the way, Steve and I saw two men leaving the room? What were they here for?" I asked.

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