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Pov: two<3

I've noted how much the new veruable has gotten close to four- like, it's different from how he talks to everyone else! Four would go out of their way just to see X now, I guess it's good.. it takes their attention away from me.

Pov: Nobody

Today, four and X are going to hang out(playdate)
They were at the playground part of the equation playground.

But as soon as X saw the playground they kinda got upset and four wonders why?

"X! what's wrong? You look depressed..:(" four said putting a hand on X's sholder.

"Oh.. I dont know.. I just dont know what I am and what my value is.."
(Cutely plays XFOHV)

After everyone is done celebrating, seven goes up to X

"Guess we are kinda like siblings from another :D"

X smiles, they never had any siblings or much companions so this felt nice

"Oh, never thought of that.. thats cool :)"

Seven gives X a high-five and goes home, four and X sit there alone..

"Four..?" X asks, looking up at four, four looks at X.

They wonder what X will ask

"Why did one and three look at me like that.. it seemed like they didn't like m-"

Four places a hand on X's sholder in a reassuring way

"One and three can be a quite judgey duo.. dont worry, they won't say anything mean to you. I'll make sure of it!"
X smiles at this and hugs four
"Your the best!"
"I know"

(Yalls, idk what to write, I want to write smth with four and X as a cupple, but it seems to soon. And im sorry for it being short, just wana post somthing :D)

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