Chapter nine

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We pulled up to Nando's. Looking out my window I could see the rest of Liam and Nialls group, Zayn, Harry and of course my cousin Louis. 

Louis and I didn't get along well, come to think of it, I didn't get along well with anyone from this group. Why? I guess I'm just a diffucult person. I mean I maneged to tick pretty much everyone from Ashatan off. Well almost everyone. Jake and Anna still believe in you. And Charlie. Thats the real reason you left...right? To get the medicine for Charlie. Was that the real reason I left? I mean yes Charlie was sick but I didn't really try my hardest to save him. I had gotten the medicine, something that was drastically underestimated by certain people! What had Jake said?

'Don't worry it'll be easy all we have to do is steal a name card, slip into the research center grab the medicine marked 'Cilestial Antidote'  and slip out again. Simple, just don't get caught."

Yeah that went real well! Stealing the name card and getting into the building was fairly simple. But when it came time to find the medicine...well let's just say there were a large number of antidotes filed under the letter 'C'. That wasn't even the worst of it though as we were leaving, my elbow acciedently brushed a security sensor near the elevater which set off every alarm in the building and alerted about half of the L.A. police. Jake and I had split then with Jake taking the medicine and returning to Ashatan, and me traveling in the opposite direction, in hopes of luring the police away from Jake and after me. It had worked well and now I was a prisoner of One Direction, barely a step up from the U.S. social services

Although I techniqually was back in Survi I still felt guilty for not trying to make it home sooner. However the circumstances didn't allow me to dwell on current predictament to long. 

Niall jumped out of the car first and raced past the boys and disappeared into Nando's. Kylie started to comment but Liam simlpy laughed and said "Once you have been around Niall long enough, you will understand that there is only one love in his life. And that is food. Which is best represented by Nando's."

With that Liam hopped out of the car followed by Kylie and then me. 

It was brighter outside then it had been in the car, and it took me a few moments to adjust to the brilliant rays from the sun. 

Once my eyes had acculimated and I was no longer at risk of losing my eyesight, I focused in on the three new comers; Harry, Zayn, and Louis. I had only met Harry four times and Zayn even less. As for Louis...well like I told Kylie; our dad's were brothers and that's as far as the relation goes. An awkward silence enveloped us since no one seemed especially excited to talk. I decided to break the silence by saying "Hi" making sure to show that my accent was not british. 

Louis needed about this much prompting to throw himself in to the world of words. 

"Lyssa" he shouted while running over to give me a hug. I stiffened-not on pupose just because of reflects- as he put his arms around me, "How's it going cousin? It's been so long since I've seen you! How is Survi treating you? And why were you in a foster home?" 

The questions came in rapid fire and since my brian wasn't working real well I only maneged to reply by saying "...uh..." My lack of response did not deter Louis at all.

"So how has everyone in Ashatan been? Anna and Jake still in that group? How about your trainee- what was his name?"

"Charlie." I said glad my brain could remember at least one thing!

"That's right how's he doing?"

"Um pretty good...he was sick recently but now he is better...I think."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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