chapter 9

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(Mike Pov)
Our mouths gaped open. Max was alive. And making fun of us already.

Lucas ran up and hugged her while the rest of us stood back waiting for our turn.

He mumbled thousands of, "Im so glad you're okay." and just plan crying. She came in a wheelchair so we set her on her bed.

"You woke up." El breathed. I could tell in her eyes that she was very happy for her best friend.

"Yeah." Max said lying back on her bed. If thats what you would call it.

After a 5 minute silence that felt like a lifetime Max spoke. "He came to me."

We all looked up. "What do you mean Max?"

She took a deep breath in and started to explain.

"Usually during night I dream. A couple minutes ago I saw him. I cant wake up from my dreams so I just wait till doctors come a check on me." We nodded along.

"Last night he came and started to talk with me. He kept saying, "It wont work."."

Me and Will exchanged a look of worry.

This is what happened. He heard what we were saying. How? I looked at Will again. He knew. I didn't know how but he knew this. Will knew vecna knew.

Max started again. "I asked him what he was saying and he showed me you guys."

"What about us?" Dustin said sounding worried. Max took a deep breath.

"Some of you were okay. Everyone actually." We all breathed out relief washed over us.

"Except for someone." We all look up.

"Will was dead."

(Will Pov)
My blood drained from my face. My hands went cold.

"One second please." I muttered and rushed out of the room.

I went to the bathroom and threw up. Im not sure why I was so surprised. I knew that it was going to kill me.

I take a deep breath and wipe the vomit from my mouth.

"Sorry about that." I say entering the room.

Most had tears in their eyes while others were just sitting there in shock. I just sit there my mouth clenched in a straight line.

"So does anyone else wanna know how I die?" They all turn to me shocked and horrified.

"Just me? Ok then." I turn to Max. "How do I die Max?"

I hope to sound calm. My friends probably think Im insane.

"I-im not sure you were just lying there." "Burnt?" I ask. She looks shocked. "Yeah."

Everyone shifts to look more at me. I had to get out of there.

"Im going to leave, nice job waking up Max."

I rush out of there feeling sick to my stomach.

"Will!" Mike calls my name. He grabs my shoulder. "You knew didn't you?" His voice was calm. Not threatening. I look down.

"Yeah." I mumbled. Tears formed in my eyes.

"I have to go." I say and rush out of the door.

- - - - -

I run inside and go to my room. I shut the door and collapse. My breathing quickens and my heart beats in my throat. Calm down Will. I couldn't. Tears start streaming down my face. I place a shaky hand over my mouth to muffle the noise.

A knock on the door startles me. "I dont wanna talk right now." I say my voice trembling. "Please let me in Will." I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and make my way to the door.

"Whats up?" I ask praying my voice doesn't wobble.

"Can we please talk?" He says. His voice is calm and welcoming. I want to give in.

"About?" He sighs. "Will please don't play dumb."

I fight the force to look down and keep the contact.

"What else is there to say. Im going to die. Okay? We all do sometime." My voice wavers a bit while saying that. It wasn't true.

Mike pulls me into a tight hug.

"We all die sure. But i'm not ready to lose you yet."

That was my breaking point. I crumbled into his arms sobbing.

"I don't wanna die Mike." I sobbed. "You wont Will." I didn't believe him.

"Im sorry Mike." He looks up. "For what?" My brain is mixed with different thoughts and emotions. "For lying." "It's okay Will." I shake my head. "No it's not okay. I promise I have a good reason." He nods. "You don't have to say anything." "But I do Mike."

I burry my head deeper in his shoulder and let tears fall. "Then tell me." His voice wasn't angry or mad. It was nice and comforting. I look up at him. "I lied because." His eyes look at me as though they encourage me on.

"Because." My words were spinning in my brain.

"I love you."

if your still reading this thats great lol. im pretty sure the story is boring so far. have a great day and stay safe ml <33

(830 words)

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