Saving Her

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Ashwath went to his office and I freshened up. I had breakfast prepared by him. He's really a good cook. I saw a glass jar in the fridge filled with fruit juice. Having food and juice made me feel good. I rested on the bed, understanding he has no objection now. I was watching TV in his room when the mobile rang. I received the call assuming it was Ashwath, as he mentioned only he knows the number and only his number is saved in it.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello, Venella."

The voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Who's this?" I asked, my memory stirring.

"This is Yuvan."

My shock intensified. "How did you get my number?"

"I have my sources, Vennela. I need to talk to you urgently. Please meet me."

"That's impossible, Yuvan. Ashwath would stop at nothing to harm me," I replied, recalling the forest incident triggered by a seemingly harmless lie.

"Vennela, meeting me once can free you from Ashwath forever. Trust me. You can return before Ashwath comes back home. Please, trust me," Yuvan pleaded Please meet me."

After a moment of thinking, I finally agreed. "Okay," I said, realizing the urgency of the situation. I grabbed my mobile phone and headed out to meet Yuvan, keeping it with me in case Ashwath called. A car sent by Yuvan was waiting for me, and the driver took me to Yuvan's farmhouse.


"Venella," Yuvan said, attempting to embrace me, but I held back.

"Yuvan, why did you call me?" I asked.

"I have an idea to make Ashwath divorce you on his own," Yuvan said, and I regarded him thoughtfully.

"Yes, Vennela. If we become physically intimate, he'll leave you. No man can endure it," Yuvan asserted.

"What nonsense, Yuvan? I am a married woman. Betraying my husband is not in my character. I won't do it.

And Yuvan, if I truly wanted to escape Ashwath, I would have done so already. But I stay because I saw pain in his eyes. I know about your father—something he did must have broken Ashwath's heart. Even after my father's death, Ashwath remains unsatisfied. I want to know what happened to him, why he seeks revenge. As his daughter, I feel responsible for my father's sins. If he is really right, I am ready to bear his anger and help him for the mistake done by my dad."

HIS RUTHLESS REVENGEWhere stories live. Discover now