CH-14 break her

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Author's pov

When they got to know that revansh has called them, ahanshi immediately started the engine and started driving towards the house slightly with a high speed.

The roads were not messed up anymore as it was late in night only some large trucks and buses were visible.

"Bhabhi I am so scared he'll definitely scold us"

"Don't worry I am here he won't scold you"

"But still, you have not seen his angry side whenever he is mad he bursts out like a volcano"

"If you knew that there is a possibility this could happen then why you wanted to go to the club?"

"I thought he will be asleep but then I remembered he works till late at night"


"Let's see what's gonna happen"

"I am just praying he don't underground me"

Then after driving they finally reached and parked their car.

They peeked inside the house to make sure if he is there or not.

But saw him sitting on the couch staring towards the main gate with his cold gaze.

"I am so fucked up"

Reesha mumbled under her breath

"Come inside"

His voice echoed making both of them startle.

They thought he didn't saw them but he was aware of their presence.

"Bhabhi go inside"

She nodded and took steps forward and reesha was hiding behind her.

He was staring at her with darkened gaze.

"Where were you both ?"

"Uh we had gone to just roam around a little"

She said and gave him a tight smile.

"You are lying to yourself or to me ?"

"To you" 😊

"Reesha don't hide behind her, come out right infront of me"

Still she didn't came out.


"Don't shout at her it's not her fault"

He stared at her and took steps towards her.

"Then should I shout on you ?"

"Yes, shout on me but leave her"

"Oh yes you must have given her the idea to go club isn't it ?"

She exhaled deeply.



She whispered from behind.

He pulled her by her arm gripping on it tightly.

"What are you doing revansh ?"

"Listen I am not going to warn you again and again stay away from my family they mean nothing to you"

He said and left her arm with a jerk.

he glared at reesha and then left.

"Bhabhi why did you ?"

"It's fine, go in your room"

She nodded and left from there.

"Why the hell am I even saving this man from death ? He deserves it bastard man"

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