Chapter One

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Edd's pov~
It was another lifeless day in the cul-de-sac. Of course, I was the only one awake at 5:30 a.m., but I didn't mind it by this point. The quiet soothes me; it let's me think of what activities I will be taking part in that day. Ever since meeting Eddy's brother, everything's different in the neighborhood. They're still the same, but they act so differently. They respect Ed, Eddy and I a lot more than in the past, and they are really nice to us now. It's just really different..
I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, showering, brushing my teeth, and doing my daily routine. When I go back to my room, I see mother has left a sticky note on my bedroom door saying, "Your father and I will be back tomorrow at 3 p.m." I crumple it up and throw it in my recycling bin, not worrying about where they are going. They leave all the time. I'm basically taking care of myself already. I'm in my Sophomore year, and I've been left home for numerous amounts of days numerous amounts of times. I see mother and father maybe once a week.
I hear a knock at the door and slowly go to see who's there. And, obviously,it's my dimwitted best friends Eddy and Ed. I grab a quick breakfast, and head out to greet them. "Mornin' Double D!" Ed screams obnoxiously. "Greetings fellows!" I jollily reply, despite not feeling too great. "Hey Double D, I've got a great scam for these suckers!" Eddy tells me in a happy tone. "Eddy.. They finally like us. And you're gonna screw it all up?" I reply slightly annoyed.
We walk to school arguing about the debate, and I decide its best I just walk alone this time. Obviously, they'll never change and just bring me down with them.
"Double D, wait up!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn around to see Kevin run out of his house, whose house I had just now passed by. "H..Hey Kevin. How are you?" I stop, letting him catch up and walked to school together. It was pleasant actually, we got along so much better now.
"So Kevin.. What made you decide you wanted to walk to school with me?" I awkwardly say after a moment of silence. "Well, we're friends now, aren't we?" He said we're friends.. I blushed at the thought of actually having Kevin as a friend. I've never had anything against Kevin, but due to Ed and Eddy's antics, he never really liked me. "Y..Yeah.. We are" I stuttered with a smile.
As we walked, Nazz and Rolf caught up with us, and we just talked about stupid things like the Homecoming Dance they planned to sneak into, or their dislike of certain people.
When we got to school, we all went to our lockers and got our stuff. I grabbed my books, and suddenly my locker slammed shut. Shit. Nathan was the source of my locker slamming, and this usually isn't a good sign.
"Hey, dweeb. Have my homework?" He said to me with an evil smirk. I looked at him trying to speak but I couldn't say anything, I went mute. He grabbed my shirt and slammed me against my locked, which hurt so bad I couldn't hold back crying.
"Hey, asswipe!" I hear Kevin yell from his locker. "Leave Edd alone. Now!" Nat let me go, and walked towards Kevin. "So you're defending the fag now?" I just covered my ears until I heard the yelling stop after that. When I looked up, Nat swung at Kevin and hit him right in the jaw. Kevin kept swinging, and by the time the bell rung, Nat had a black eye, a few broken teeth, and his cheek was all bruised up. And Kevin have a lot of broken teeth and bruised up cheek.
I walked over to Kevin and I tried my best to say Thank you to him, but stayed mute. I just looked at him and smiled. Before I knew it, he hugged me. "You're welcome, dork". He looked at me and smiled before walking away to go to class.

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