Legally Blonde

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Boscos POV:
I clung to Daya's hand as we walked upstairs to my room, the fact I was so close to loosing him today only made my love and affectionate feelings toward him feel amplified. I wanted him, I needed him and I loved him. I looked up at him doe eyed in the lift, considering it had been such a stressful day for him, he was still so perfect. I placed a gentle kiss on his bicep, which was making a small bulge out the sleeve of his top. I checked the time on my phone as the elevator doors opened "5:45pm", "perfect" I thought to myself. I still had plenty of time to just relax with Daya before heading off to our slumber party later on. "Shower?" I ask as my hotel room door slams shut, "pleaseeeee" I beg as I clasp my hands together in Daya's face. "Fine" he says, "but I'm standing under the water this time! Even if that means I need my knees bent for all of it", I laugh "of course baby" I say with a slightly teasing tone. As we strip off and get into the shower Daya holds me back with his strong arms and positions himself under the water, I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head against his chest, placing a kiss onto his butterfly. Daya rests his head on top of mine and puts his arms over my shoulders pulling me in closer to him. I move my hands from his waist to his stomach, tracing over his faint ab lines as the water dripped down him. Daya looked down to watch me as I started to let my fingers trace down lower and lower, and I watched as he started to get stiff. I let out a quiet moan as I appreciated his size, before slowly lowering myself onto my knees. Letting the warm water from the shower run down my back, I took him into my mouth. Daya moaned and threw his head back against the cool tiles of the shower, his hands running through my wet hair as he tried slowly pushed my head forwards and backwards onto him. His moans only made me more desperate for him, I quickened my pace until I could feel him twitch, I took him out of my mouth kissing his tip as I did before I stood back up and let my hand finish him off. I cuddled my face into the crook of his neck so I could line it with kisses as my hand pumped him as quickly as I could. His breathing was rapid and his moans were becoming more and more frantic untill he eventually reached his climax into my hand. "Fuck" Daya moaned as he started to gently shake, my hand now dripping with his hot mess, there was a lot of it. I licked my hand before showing Daya it on my tongue, before closing my mouth and swallowing hard. Daya's eyes rolled back at the site of that, I cleaned off the rest of my hand before cleaning him off too. "Are you ready to come out?" I ask sweetly, as if nothing had happened. "Ye-yeah" an exhausted Daya struggled to reply. I climb out first, wrapping one of the scratchy towels around my body, before passing one to Daya for him to put around his waist. We both collapse onto the bed, our arms and legs in a tangled mess off affection. "Fuck" Daya groaned, "what?" I reply somewhat concered. He turned his phone to face me "6:47pm" the time read. "Shit!" I say jumping up and running to start getting ready and drying my hair. As I get ready In the mirror I can see Daya in the reflection get himself dried off before putting on a pair of boxers and a plain black top. He comes into the bathroom, "shorts or joggies?" He asks, "hmm shorts, but comfy ones" I say with a smile. He stands beside me and starts to run a razor over his beard which is starting to peak through, I can't help but admire him, and fantasies about what life will be like after the show and how exiting the thought of this was to me. As I finished up fixing my hair my eyes were drawn to Daya's boxers in the mirror. Where a tiny wet stain had appeared, "don't tell me you didn't wipe after you peed?" I joke as I give him a gentle push, "i haven't even peed!" He laughs "it just won't stop after what you did to me!". "Poor baby" I tease as I give his shoulders a gentle rub, and pull on a comfy pair of joggies and a baggy top and we were finally both ready for the slumber party at Willows.

Dayas POV:
"Cmon hurry" I say laughing as I run towards Willows room at the end of the hall, dragging Bosco behind me by her hand. "I don't do running!!" She pleads from behind me. But before long we are outside Willows door, "you're 5 minutes late!" She says as the door swings open, Boscos head appears from behind me "I'm sorry baby we got caught up in something", "I'm sure you did" willow says with a raised eyebrow. We walked into the room and saw Camden and Angie cuddled up on one of the beds with their dinner in their laps, I picked up me and Boscos meals from the cart of food in the middle of the room and went to sit down on the other bed. Willow stood between the two beds looking at me and Bosco and then looking back to Camden and Angie. "Serious question" she says, "which couple is going to give me better hugs?"  Before I can even answer Camden does for me "I'd usually say Daya is a great hugger, but the fact one of his hands is permanently up Boscos ass, I'd say me and Angie". "You cheeky..." I don't even get to finish before boscos put her hand over my mouth to stop me, laughing as she did. With that settled Willow jumped into bed and laid down between the two. Camden grabbed the remote from the bedside table and started flipping through the channels, "I LOVE THIS MOVIE" she exclaimed, I look up from my dinner to see legally blonde playing on the TV. I wasn't a chick flick type of guy, but this was one of the movies I had a soft spot for. I finished up my foot and put my plate down, and within an instant I had Bosco on my chest, I wrapped my arm around her and let it rest against her hip bone. I glanced away from the film to the bed beside us to see the pile of legs and arms all wrapped around eachother. My mind flashes back to the competition, and I had an underlying sense of dread. I didn't want any of these girls to go home, and I also didn't know how Ru was going to pick which of us to send home, we were all so strong. I was brought out of my daydream as I felt Bosco fidget against me, she pulled herself up higher on my body so she could rest her head on my shoulder, I then let my head relax on top of hers. As the movie came to its end, we all started to talk about our favourite parts of the season so far and what we were most proud of. It was emotional and by the end of it the 5 of us were in tears. We spoke about our family's and who we wished could be here to see us, before the 5 of us all cuddled up on one bed. I was in the middle, with Bosco cuddled into me on one side, and Camden on the other. With Angie and Willow then cuddling into them. "I love you all and you will be my family for life" Camden said, wiping a tear from his face. I squeeze the two of them against me in a comforting hug and reach out my hands to rub willow and Angies backs. We all stayed like this for a while, I even dozed off a couple of times before Bosco announced it was almost 12 and it was time for us to go get ready for tomorrow. We all hugged eachother one last time before me and Bosco dissapeared off down the hall to our rooms. "I love you baby" she said softly, while placing a kiss on my lips. "I'm going to gets some sleep and sort my stuff for tomorrow, but I will miss you" she said making a sad face, "goodnight baby" I reply, giving her a soft kiss back before watching her disappear behind her room door.

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