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I'm good at following directions.

I don't like to, necessarily. But I'm good at it.

Give me a step by step- and I will do my best.

I learn on the go, and it only takes me a few times to get it down right.

Once I've got it, I've got it.

Dance was all about direction.

One, two, three, four.

Step, pivot, pirouette.

Form a line- I'll be the head.

Work isn't much different.

Email. Scan. Inventory.

Don't forget you have that thing.

Oh, and that other thing.

Better make a list- check it off one by one.

It's a shame that I don't come with directions, myself.

Sometimes that's what it feels like; like an IKEA purchase with a hundred little pieces and no directions.

Maybe, I can place emotion here; logic, somewhere over there. Hold it all together with a bit of reason.

No, that's not quite right.

Try this again.

I'll get it right.

Just gotta find those directions.

The Untitled ProjectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ