Chapter 14

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Justin's POV

I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I went to sit back down at the table. I loved the fact that I could cause Ariana so much pleasure with such a simple touch. I knew she felt the same. I mean I sorta feel sorry for Lewis....nah fuck that. He stole her off of me and I'm taking her right back but I knew I needed to tell Selena before she became attached to me

"What are you smirking at?" Cameron laughed

I quickly changed my facial expression to neutral

"I'm not smirking" I replied, taking a sip from my drink

I was waiting for Ariana to come and sit back down at the table and she did

"Took your time babe" Lewis said to her as she sat down

Yeah because she's been with me

I smirked to myself

"Yeah um i-I just um...felt sick" she replied biting down on her lip

I swear she did it purposely knowing what it does to me

"Baby" he frowned, kissing her on her cheek

"I'm fine honestly" she smiled before taking a sip of her drink

I felt Selena rub her hand along my leg but I couldn't let her do it. I slightly moved her hand away, I could tell she was frowning but I didn't acknowledge it

Ariana's POV

After what happened with me and Justin, I craved his touch even more the way he made me feel was unbelievable, the things I wanted him to do to me

I fixed my hair and made sure my makeup wasn't smudged before going back to the table

"Took your time babe" Lewis said as I sat down at the table

I didn't know what to reply with. "Yeah sorry I was making out with someone that wasn't you even though you're my boyfriend"

I could hardly say that

Yeah um i-I just um...felt sick" i stuttered biting down onto my lip

"Baby" he said in a sympathising tone, kissing my cheek

I felt bad knowing I'd done that to Lewis but I couldn't help myself, I had such strong feelings for Justin and I couldn't hide them away no matter how hard I tried. I knew I had to break it off with Lewis but I didn't want to hurt him but it'd hurt even more if I was in a relationship with him knowing that I liked someone else

"Guys did you finish Miss Wilson's assignment?" Ashley asked, removing me from my thoughts

"Nope, I don't finish any of her assignments because she always gives me a shit grade, she hates me" I scoffed

"How could anyone hate you Ariana?" Selena said tilting her head to side in a sarcastic tone

This bitch was trying me, if it wasn't for Lewis being there I would've spilt all the tea

"and why are you here again?" I replied, placing my chin in my hand

"I'm here with Justin actually" she smiled squeezing his arm

Justin shifted uncomfortably

"Bitch please he doesn't even like you" I replied in a bored tone

"and what's that supposed to mean?" she asked angrily

I could feel the tension in the room but I wasn't bothered I'd give anything to tell her about what just happened. All my chill had disappeared

"Well when you were doing whatever in England me and Justin fucked...twice probably better than what you ever gave him" I scoffed

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