Chapter 21

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Justin's POV

"I say we hit the club!" Ryan said clapping his hands together. We were at Cameron's house trying to decide what to do since the girls weren't here

"What are you gonna do at a club, ain't like you can pull any girls" Cam replied laughing

"I bet you $10 that I can pull a girl tonight" Ryan smirked putting his hand out for Cameron to shake

"Fine. I've just got an extra 10 bucks in my pocket" He laughed shaking his hand

"You in JB?" Ryan said turning his attention to me

"I dunno" I replied shrugging. I could tell Ariana was worried about me going to a club and I didn't want to do anything she wasn't comfortable with me doing

"Don't be a bore" Ryan said rolling his eyes

"I'm not I just don't wanna get ahead of myself and do something I regret" I answered

"We won't let you, come onnnnnn" He pleaded

"Fine, but you're buying my drinks" I replied giving in

"Let's go then!" Cameron said grabbing his car keys, We all hopped into his car, Ryan sat in the back. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked to see a message from Ariana

From: Ariana

Hey baby, landed safely and I'm back at home. Miss you

I smiled to myself before replying

To: Ariana

Good to hear baby. I miss you too

I clicked send before putting my phone back into my pocket and turning the radio up. I hadn't been out in a while and I was looking forward to it.

Ariana's POV

I couldn't believe who I was seeing. All I managed to say was oh my god. I felt a lump begin to form in my throat. What were they doing here?

"Isn't this a nice surprise?" my mom grinned, pulling me away from my thoughts

"Yeah" I replied forcing a smile

"It's nice to see you again Kalin, and you KC" my mom said gesturing them to come inside

Kalin was my first you could say "true love" we dated for around 3 years and then one day he just left without telling me and I got a text the day later saying he'd gone to this military thing and saying goodbye to me in person would be too much for him to handle so he just left. He was my first, the only boy I'd ever done anything with. I locked myself in my room for nearly a week and just cried and cried. When I finally got over it I changed the way I was and became so much more confident. KC is his sister, they're twins but not identical and we were so close but after Kalin left we didn't talk anymore. I found out that she knew he was going to leave but she didn't tell me, I held a grudge ever since. I wouldn't say that I've 100% lost all my feelings for him because he'll always be my first love but I do know that I love Justin and nothing's going to change that

"It's nice to be back, Hey Ari" he said walking inside.

I didn't know what to say or how to react. I hadn't seen or spoke to him since he left

"Hey" I replied letting out a big breath

"It's really good to see you" he nodded. He seemed nervous around me for some reason

"You too" I replied "This is my bestfriend Ashley, Ashley this is Kalin my um ex" I explained trying to kill the awkwardness

Her eyes widened at the mention of ex and she gave me one of them looks

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