Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! So when you see italics it's the person thinking!

Liam POV

"Get outta here... You knuckleheads!" I end my recording and continue to play on the Cube. After doing some leap of faith I almost log off when I see that Parker is on.

Parker_Games has joined

Parker_Games: LIAAAAAM!!!

I smile as I picture Parker screaming my name, he really is silly. I still need to record another Abba Caving, and Parker hasn't been in one for awhile. I begin to type when I get interrupted.

Parker_Games: Get on teamspeak you nub

I shake my head, still smiling. Right when I join I hear "Liaaaaam! Do you wanna do a collab?" I chuckle and continue the song, after the finishing line I remember what I wanted to ask "Hey Parker, want to record an Abba Caving?" I start to run to the Abba Caving store. Parker remains silent, I decide to ask again "Hey Park-" right when I begin he bursts out laughing. I roll my eyes. "Sorry H, I would love to record, but I have to go, I just wanted to hear your voice!"

Parker_Games has left the game

Well that was weird. I wait for him to join again, figuring he would come back on soon, but he doesn't. I sit at my desk and see that someone else has joined the game. I think it's Parker and I get excited, but it's Graser, I feel a little bit of disappointment inside. Why am I sad? I love Graser! I still need a clip so I decide to ask him.

HBomb94: Want to go Caving?

Graser10: Of course!

I record with Graser, but I still feel sad. While re watching my clip I notice that my voice sounds a bit flat, I decide to scrap it, I sound depressed. I guess it wasn't that weird for Parker to want to hear my voice, I want to hear his.

Parker POV

I wonder what Liam thought about what I said, I just really wanted to hear him. Is that creepy? I shake my head, what's wrong with a friend wanting to hear a friend? It's nothing more than that. I head to my kitchen and open up the fridge, I grab my last Dr. Pepper and take a sip, as I try to make my way around my dirty house I realize how lonely I am here in LA. It's not that I don't like it, it's just different. I grab my pink cowboy hat and head down to my car, I need more soda! I get some weird looks, what's wrong with a not able to grow a beard, acts like a toddler, almost grown man wearing a pink cowboy hat? Nothing. When I'm at checkout I see that my cashiers name is Liam. I scream "Liaaaaam!" At the top of my lungs, then I realize what I just did. I know I should feel embarrassed, but instead I just feel sad. I look at Lesser Liam, and he stares at me nervously, "Um sir, self checkout is right over there, I don't feel comfortable serving you." I laugh and head over to where he was pointing, whoops. After leaving the store I still feel sad, why am I sad? I just laughed so hard! Soon I realize that it's because I called Liam's name, and he didn't answer.

A/N I hope you enjoyed! I'm not good at writing long chapters, and this is my first time writing about someone real, so it's probably really bad :p So as the book progresses, do you want H to move in with Parker or vice versa? Get outta here... You Knuckleheads! *Jeffery Army Diamond Dances out*

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