Chapter 2

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Liam POV

I was playing on my phone when I get an alert that someone tweeted. I start to ignore it, but then I see that it's from Parker. I eagerly open it, I've never been this excited for a tweet before, why am I excited now?

Parker_GamesMC: To get trolled go on server Parker_Games-1!

My heart flutters as I begin to go on Mineplex. I realize that I should save room for the fans. I continue to Mineplex anyway and try to message him from the lobby.

/msg Parker_Games can I join too or is it just fans?

Right when I press enter I get an error message,

Parker_Games has direct messaging disabled

Aww, well I guess that it's smart, he probably already has a bunch of fans in there, trying to get his attention. I just sit with Mineplex open, not playing anything.

Parker POV

I watch as people join into my game, eagerly waiting for HBomb94 to appear.

Hoppy_Zoey has joined

AllyTheJeffery has joined

Timferno has joined

I sigh, a bunch of fans are joining and I should be happy, but there's no HBomb here. I play a bit, I even tried a Fan Tank Challenge. I close up the server and think about what else to do. I look at my friends list and see that H is online. I turn my messaging on and send H a message that I hope doesn't make me sound as disappointed as I feel.

/msg HBomb94 Why didn't you join mah server? I missed you :(

I stare at the screen waiting for the yellow text to pop up saying that he replied to me. Soon it came up.

HBomb94 to Parker_Games: I didn't know if it was just for fans or not, I tried to message you, teamspeak?

I open up teamspeak and immediately hear Liam's beautiful voice. Beautiful? Haven't used that word to describe him before. "So what do you want to play?" I ask. "I don't really know, I'm not really in the mood for Minecraft, how are things in LA?" I want to tell him that I love it, just like I tell everyone else, but I can't lie to him. "Liam, I don't really like it, well I do, but it's lonely, I mean I like it, kinda, it's just confusing me." There's a pause. "Are you staying there?" I laugh. "Of course, I can't bother my mom again, she's probably so happy she doesn't have to hear me randomly scream anymore!" I still feel sad. "Parker, your not happy by yourself are you?" I sigh, "No, I'm not."

A/N So two updates in one day! Yay! I'm actually on a road trip so there might be another, but I also might want to stockpile up on chapters! Get outta here... You knuckleheads!!! *Jeffery Army Diamond Dances out*

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