Chapter 5: The City of E-Rantel

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The City of E-Rantel, sitting just a stone's throw away from Carne Village, this bustling hub of trade and civilization sat on the oft disrupted border between the feuding Re-Estize Kingdom and Baharuth Empire. The latter of which currently held governorship of the sprawling castle town. Everyday countless people from peasants to merchants to princes flowed through the city's gates.

It was also home to the local Adventurer's Guild, the go to place any Yggdrasil player would start at when looking for  information. And as not just one of, but the top player from your server it'd be your first stop on exploring this new world. So for that you and your agreed upon guard walked the streets of Re-Estize undercover. Unfortunately though keeping a low profile was easier said than done.

..."Hey check those two out"...

..."You don't see girls built like that anymore"...

..."The one with in the bow looks like she's about to pop outta that jacket any moment"...

You suppressed a sigh hearing the whispers that followed you. This level of attention was why you opted for sending one your subtler bodies into the city, and yet no matter where you go eyes followed. Not that you could blame them, because while not as provocatively dressed as your main body this dark haired figure still cut a ravishing sight born straight from a perverse daydream fantasy. The fanciful white jacket could do little to hide the outrageous heft of your chest, and your leggings seemed set to rip at the lightest bounce of your ass.

 The fanciful white jacket could do little to hide the outrageous heft of your chest, and your leggings seemed set to rip at the lightest bounce of your ass

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And your companion for this mission was getting her own fair share of looks herself. Having eschewed her Pleiades uniform, Naberal Gamma dressed in a practical outfit of a brown cloak over a simple shirt and trousers. But the plain clothes did nothing to hide the doppelgänger's beauty and instead only gave her an air of rustic appeal.

Together, the two of you were easily the most beautiful women in the city, drawing gazes from man and woman alike wherever you went

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Together, the two of you were easily the most beautiful women in the city, drawing gazes from man and woman alike wherever you went. It swiftly became impossible to avoid the gawkers as you carried on down the street, and judging by her scowl the attention was starting to get on Naberal's nerves.

Naberal: My lady are you sure we couldn't have just have our scouts handle this mission? Our presence here is unnecessary.

Glancing her way, you shot the annoyed woman a bemused smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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