Some School Fun

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Hey guys!!! Anyway this is the school scene oneshot! And there will be some steamyness going on. So you have been warned!!!

Adien Docson- 6'3. 17. 'Player' and highschool fuckboy.  On basketball, football and soccer team. Black hair blue eyes

Timmy Timeber- 5'7. 16. 'Nerd' and highschool smart guy. On the calculus team. The academic Trainer/tutor. On the student council. Green eyes. Small body and brown hair.


Timmy's POV.

"- and that is it class. Finish the rest of this page its due tomorrow." Mr.Stevens said before sitting down and going to his computer.

I got up and ran out the room. Knowing that one person was right behind me.

Because. Let's face it I'm a nerd he's a jerk and he always picks on me. So I have to make it to my next class before...

"Where do you think your going Timeber." Adien asked me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me the opposite direction of where my next class is.

"B-but Adien! M- my next class is t-this way." I said pointing to where I was heading.

"But the empty unused class room is this way. And that is where we are going." Wait he has never made me skip class before.

"Wait. I c-cant skip class... I have no reason to..."

"Troy will tell your teacher I took you home cuz you weren't feeling good."

"B- but-"

"No buts. Shut up and come with me."

I shut up and did what he said. I let him drag me through the school trying to ignore all the stares I was getting.

I was getting stares and looks of amusement from the guys and hateful and envious glares from the girls who want to be in my place.

Yeah sure you can come take my place. Please. I don't want to be here.
I thought when the schools biggest whore starts following us and glaring at me.

"Wait! Adien. Where are you going with that nobody? Don't you want to skip class with me and have some fun... " she said trying to sound seductive. But she failed. She sounded more like a dying cat with bronchitis.

Adien looked at her, laughed then looked back to where he was going and started walking faster.

"No Bianka. I don't want to skip class with you and catch AIDS. And don't say you don't have AIDS everyone knows you are the one who gave it to Mr.Tremp last year." He said. I laughed loudly then covered it up when she looked at me and glared.

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