The start

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I heard the door open and slam shut. Phil came into the lounge looking giddy as ever.
" Hi Phil." He looked more than pleased today. " Dan I got you something. I know it's your birthday in a couple of days but I couldn't resist to get you a present already. "
" Okay.... May I ask what you got me? "
" Well I could tell you... Or I could just show you. " I honestly didn't like the way that sounded but it was Phil and I trusted him.
Phil grabbed my hand and led to my bedroom door.
" are you ready to see your gift?"
" Fuckin ready. " I smiled to myself.
" Okay but you have to promise me you wont freak out or I will be very disappointed."

" I promise. "
Phil smiled at me and turned towards the door. " Here we go."

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