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* Soon it was morning*

"Binnie-a, get up and get ready, we're going somewhere today," Wonbin's mom called from downstairs, her voice echoing through the house, signaling the start of a new day.

The light streaming in through his curtains combined with his mom's persistent calls finally roused Wonbin from his slumber. Groaning, he dragged himself out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he prepared for the day ahead.

He quickly took a bath and prepared himself.

"Binnie-ah, be quick," his mom urged, her voice carrying a hint of urgency as she waited for him downstairs.

"Coming, Mom," Wonbin replied, grabbing his bag before hurrying downstairs to join his mom.

As Wonbin descended the stairs, he noticed his parents' car parked outside the house. "Hmm, that's weird, you guys are taking the car today?" he remarked, puzzled. "What's the occasion?" he asked, curiosity piqued.

"Since today is your last day in Busan, we're making it unforgettable!" his mom exclaimed with excitement. "Come on, get into the car," she urged, guiding him towards the vehicle.

Soon enough, they arrived at a restaurant.

"Are we eating here?" Wonbin asked, looking at the restaurant's elegant entrance. The warm glow of lanterns and the delicious smells made him curious, but also a bit hesitant.

"Of course we are," his mom said with a smile.

"But—" Wonbin started to say before he was cut off by his mom.

"No buts, let's go inside," his mom said firmly but kindly, opening the car door for Wonbin.

"Fine.." he said simply as he stepped out of the car.

As his parents entered the restaurant, the delicious smell of food filled the air. Wonbin took a seat, eager to see what they would order.

"Oh, they have yangnyeom chicken!" Wonbin exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice as he scanned the menu. However, his enthusiasm waned as his eyes landed on the price...

"Never mind, I'll take the gimba—" Wonbin paused, his excitement dampened once more as he glanced at the price again.

"Never mind, even gimbap is expensive here, I'll find something else," he said quietly, disappointment evident in his voice as he flipped the menu back and forth, searching for a more affordable option.

" excuse me, what would you like to order?", The waiter asked.

" we'll take two of these," his parents said, pointing to their chosen dishes. "And also the yangnyeom chicken, please," they added, pointing at Wonbin's favorite.

"Mom, but—" Wonbin started to protest but was promptly cut off by his mom. 

"Like I said, no 'buts,' eat up, okay?" His mom's tone softened, a hint of warmth in her voice as she encouraged him. His dad nodded in agreement, signaling his support for his mom's decision.

Soon the food arrived and they started to eat.

* After breakfast*

"Okay, we're here," Wonbin's mom announced as she stepped out of the car. "Come on, let's head inside," she said, gesturing for Wonbin to follow her out of the car.

"Come on, honey," Wonbin's mom called out to his dad, urging him to join them outside of the car.

They quickly headed into the mall and entered a suitcase and bag shop.

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