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The alarm blared nonstop

"Arghh," Wonbin yawned, squinting at the ceiling. "What time is it?" He swung his hand around the nightstand, blindly searching for his phone. Finally, his fingers brushed against it.

He grabbed his phone and glanced at the screen. "HOLY SHI—" Wonbin exclaimed, abruptly cutting himself off.

"Why are you screaming so early in the morning?" a familiar voice questioned.

Wonbin spun around to see Yeonhae standing in the doorway. "YA! Yeonhae, since when were you here?! Wait, don't tell me you slept here last night!" he stammered, his face a mix of shock and confusion.

"I don't feel so well—" Yeonhae began, but before she could finish, she collapsed to the floor.

"YA! Yeonhae! Get up!" Wonbin shouted, leaping out of bed. He rushed over, attempting to lift her onto the couch.

"Why are you so... HEAVY!" Wonbin grunted. Failing to lift her, he resorted to dragging her gently and managed to get her onto the couch.

Wonbin took a quick shower and then hurriedly prepared hangover soup for Yeonhae. Leaving the soup on the table with a note, he grabbed his bag and dashed out the door to school.

He quickly hopped onto a bus.

 In the bus

" Arghh, my head hurts", Wonbin thought to himself, gently rubbing his head, " how did she even ended up sleeping on my couch.

Wonbin tried to recall what happened the night before.

What happened that night:

After Wonbin drove him back home, she looked at her phone, looking mad, and she suddenly asked Wonbin.

"Hey, wanna drink?" she asked.

"No, I don't want to, and I've never drunk before, I also have class tomorrow," Wonbin replied.

"I don't care," Yeonhae said, pulling out a bunch of beers from her bag. "Ta-da!" She opened a bottle and poured some for Wonbin.

"Here, drink up," Yeonhae urged.

"No, it's oka—" Wonbin started to say, but she cut him off.

"Just do it," Yeonhae said with a serious face.

"No-," He paused seeing her glare at him like that, " f-fine" Wonbin reluctantly agreed, taking a sip.

"Yeah, now that's the spirit," Yeonhae said, clinking her bottle with his.

As they drank, Yeonhae started to swear. "Ya, why are you swearing at me?" Wonbin asked, now feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"Not you, dumbass. It's my shitty boyfriend," she slurred. "He cheated on me, that jerk!"

"Which one again?" Wonbin asked.

"The tall one," Yeonhae said.

" but all the guys you dated are tall-", He got cutted.

" shush!", she said.

As their conversation deepened, hours passed by.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep," Wonbin said, struggling to stand.

"You're so weak, you can't even balance after drinking," Yeonhae laughed.

"YA! Don't make fun of me," Wonbin retorted.

"I'm not," Yeonhae said with a grin.

Wonbin staggered toward his room but tripped and fell next to the doorstep. "Oww, my hand," he groaned.

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