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Mr and Mrs kim reached the hospital and asked from the reception about Mrs jeon and her son

As they reached their they found some people dragging the stretcher towards the morgue

Mrs kim looked towards the stretcher and saw Mrs jeon

She gulped down her saliva and asked the nurse about her son

The nurse gestured towards a room Mrs kim and Mr Kim entered the room and found Jungkook sitting on the bed with emotionless face staring at the wall

Mr Kim hold his hand and said

Mr Kim: we are sorry for your loss Jungkook ....... I know we can't feel what you are feeling right now but ....... Trust me she is in better place now

Jungkook just stared at him..... his face all clean like he did not even cry .....yeah he did not cried

Mrs kim: Jungkook you can live with us

Jungkook stared at her and spoke

Jungkook: it's ok I can live by myself

He fake smiled a little

Police: I am sorry but you can't live alone cause we have found out that it was not an accident, it is a murder case

Jungkook looked towards him while the officer continued

Police : so as he is your ex father so you have to live with him if he is OK with it

Mr kim: I don't have any problem with it right honey...... And i still love him like my own son

Jungkook looked down while he sarcastically smiled a little at himself and then nooded his head

Time skip

Mr and Mrs Kim reached home along with jungkook

Jungkook sat on the couch after Mrs Kim told him when he heard many footsteps

He looked and saw 6 boys they stared at him making him shift on his place

Mr kim: sons, he is jungkook my ex wife's son

Mrs kim: and from now on he will live with us

All of them nooded

Mrs kim: introduce yourself guys

Jin: my name is seokjin and I am eldest

Suga: suga

Namjoon: I am rm or namjoon

Jhope : my name is jhope

He said smiling a little (a little)

Jimin: jimin

Taehyung : V

Jungkook nooded and bowed a little

Mr and Mrs Kim left from their leaving jungkook with six devils

Tae: I have seen you somewhere

Jungkook just stared at him don't know what to say......well If you think he is afraid that they won't accept him then it's totally wrong he is not afraid he is used to it

Jungkook did not respond at him when Mrs Kim spoke

Mrs kim: jin help me in kitchen and tae, jimin show jungkook his room

Tae and jimin nooded and left with jungkook

They stopped near a guest room and said

Jimin: its a guest room now it's yours

Jungkook nooded and entered before he could close the door tae and jimin came inside

Tae: wait- let me tell you...... You are here just because our parents want it and we can't see our parents sad so it will be better if you don't try to band with us

Jimin : stay way from us and our parents otherwise your life will be a living hell

Tae: but still as you are here..... Welcome to hell

He said whispering near jungkook ear

Tae and jimin left

Jungkook stared at the room and entered inside the bathroom

He came back with some fresh scars on his both wrists and sat on the bed

When he heard the knock

He opened the door there stood Mrs Kim

Mrs kim: dinner is ready.....

Jungkook: thankyou Mrs Kim but I am not hungry

Mrs kim: no no you are not allowed to deny and as now you are my son so you can call me eomma or mom whatever you are comfortable with

She said smiling at him warmly making jungkook weaker infront of her smile

He nooded

Mrs kim: lets go.....

Both of them reached dining hall and jungkook got a seat at the last on his left side it was jhope

Mrs Kim served everyone one by one and then sat on her seat

As everyone was eating Mrs Kim asked

Mrs kim: jungkook how is the food

She said smiling widely

Jungkook stared at others one by one who were looking at him more like the brothers were glaring at him so he said

Jungkook : it's good mom

Mrs Kim thanked him for the compliment and after eating everyone left from there

Jungkook came out of bathroom once again having a large cut on his arm which was visible but blood was not flowing now

He was about to lay on the bed when he heard a knock

He opened the door and found all brothers there

He gave them place to enter and everyone entered inside

They gave him some warnings of staying away from them and their parents and left from there

Jungkook layed on the bed and tried to sleep but his mind started filling with many thoughts

Jungkook in mind: why I feel like I know them......

Next day

Tae, jimin and jungkook went to school together by the insistence of Mrs Kim

Right know it's been 15 minutes tae and jimin were waiting for jungkook and he did not even showed up yet

Tae punched the car bonnet hard

Tae: where the f**k is he are we his slaves......

On the other hand

Jungkook was trying to stand up when someone forward his hand towards him

He looked towards the person and found a senior

??: I am not here to hurt you....

Jungkook hold his hand and stood up

?? : myself hyuntae

Jungkook nooded

?? : if I am not wrong you are jungkook right

Jungkook nooded and then after random talk in which jungkook just nood his head and left from their

As jungkook reached the parking area he was met with a punch on his jaw making him stumbled

Jimin: tae-

Tae: are we f**king your slaves who will wait for you

Jungkook : sorry

He said and then everyone sat in the car and left towards house.....
To be continue.....
Thankyou........ 💜💜

Mafia Stepbrothers  (𝙱𝚃𝚂X 🅹🆄🅽🅶🅺🅾🅾🅺) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now