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Minho felt his patience wearing thin as he surveyed the raucous atmosphere of the party. The loud music, the drunken laughter, the constant chatter grated on his nerves, and oh, The annoying giggles of girls after seeing him. 

Minho was indeed popular in his school but He being a nerd never attended a single party. His 'fangirls' couldn't be more happy after seeing his presence. Minho gripped the glass of beer in his hands taking a deep breath. "Where's Jisung?-HOLY COW" Minho yelled almost dropping his beer when he saw changbin sitting very close to him smirking weirdly.

"There" Changbin pointed at the crowd forming at the entrance. Minho raised his eyebrow "What's there?" Minho's confusion only grew when Changbin's smirk widened. "Go see it yourself"

Minho furrowed his brow and narrowed his eyes at Changbin's cryptic response. "Fine, I'll go see it myself," he muttered under his breath. Setting down his glass of beer, Minho made his way through the crowd, dodging partygoers left and right until he reached the entrance. Pushing his way through, he finally caught sight of what everyone was huddled around.

There stood Chnagbin's fiance, Felix singing his heart out. Minho rolled his eyes chuckling at his friend's stupidity.

Then, He paused.

What was Changbin acting all weird for? He sighed but his breath hitched when he finally caught what Changbin was trying to say.  

Minho's eyes twitched when he saw Jisung standing before him in his seductive outfit with no tights on this time, His slender legs were left bare in front of horny ass perverts.  But that was not what made Minho's hands ball up in fists. 

It was not Jisung's outfit. He can wear anything he wants. Minho will let Jisung wear anything. It was not the way Jisung laugh rang in his ears. Minho loved it.

It was the way Seungmin looked at him. All flushed and completely captivated.

Minho slipped his jacket off him and gently grabbed Jisung's wrist. "Oh, Min!" A smile tugged Minho's lips at Jisung's excitement after seeing him. He tied his jacket around Jisung's waist and looked up to see Jisung's confused expression. 

"What is this for?" Jisung asked, tugging the jacket around his waist. "To keep you safe from...evil eye" Minho winked. "Jisung, Let's go. Felix is calling us" Seungmin said, glaring slightly at Minho. 

Minho smirked back at him. He leaned closer to Jisung's ear"Jisung, I think it's time we tell everyone that we are dating. Don't you think?" He whispered, almost letting out a small 'aw' when he saw how Jisung's eyes sparkled. He nodded "Yes! Yes!" He turned to Seungmin.

"Seung!" Jisung said, smiling ear to ear. He leaned his head on Minho's shoulder clearly blind from seeing Seungmin's smile falling. 

"Minho and I are officially dating!"

RAIN// MinsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora