Chapter forty-three

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Three hours

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Three hours.

I've been locked in this crazy assholes room for three hours.

After trying quite possibly everything I could do to get out, and failing, I have given up.

I am currently laying face up on his bed, looking at the ceiling as my brain replays the events of the past couple of days, over and over again.

I have lost a best friend due to my stupidity, someone who would give me the world, and he hates me.

Even worse, Rafe may actually kill him. I wish that was an over exaggeration, but I know deep down, it most likely isn't.

Suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts, the lock clicks from the other side of the door. I shoot up from the bed, to see a rather intoxicated Rafe walk in.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" I snap, my arms crossed over my chest as I watch him stumble in.

"Shut up" his voice is slurred as he waves me off with his hand.

My brows furrow as I watch him roughly run his hands down his face, a loud, exasperated sigh coming from his mouth.

He doesn't seem as aggressive as I was anticipating, which is a shock, but then again a relief to me.

I cautiously make my way over to him, like I'm approaching a dog that will snap at any moment.

"Are you drunk?" I ask him, keeping my voice soft and quiet as to not aggravate him.

He looks at me in pure disgust, his narrowed eyes trailing over my body and back up to my face.

"Is that what you were wearing when he fucked you?" He spits out like venom, his words making me wince with guilt and regret.

I swallow down the growing lump in my throat, letting out a shaky sigh as I run a hand through my hair.

"Rafe I-" I begin, but he's already cutting me off.

"Did you like it? Did you like feeling him touch you?" He sneers, glaring down at me like he's contemplating a murder.

I shake my head weakly, looking away from him shamefully as my eyes begin to gloss over.

"Don't fucking lie" his voice grows louder as he grabs my wrist tightly, pulling me towards him until my body is flush against his.

His hand moves from my wrist up to my face, his fingers wrapping firmly around my jaw, tilting my face up so I'm unable to look away.

"You're a disgusting little slut" he hisses harshly, making me flinch.

A single tear rolls down my cheek as I try pulling my face out of his grip.

"Get off of me" I whimper pathetically, my bottom lip trembling as I try my hardest not to let him see me cry, knowing it'll only make him worse.

"Pathetic whore" he mutters to himself as he pushes me away by my jaw, my legs stumbling slightly from the impact.

I wipe the few droplets of tears from my cheeks, walking backwards until I reach his door. I turn around, not giving him a second glance before turning the handle and leaving his bedroom.


It's been a week since I've seen Rafe, or really anyone in fact. It's a rare occurrence that I even leave my bedroom at this point, and it certainly doesn't help that I'm receiving the silent treatment from my own dad.

I've lost my best friend, which has resulted in losing John b, Pope and Kiera. I can't speak to Sarah, for obvious reasons. I am completely alone.

In some ways, being alone has been rather peaceful. Not having to stress over Rafe may be a blessing in disguise for me, my time alone has me coming to terms with the fact that he was not good for me at all.

Maybe I'm stupid for not realising that sooner, but I was blinded by my false sense of what I thought love was.

I did love him, no, I do love him. Just not enough to let myself be treated like that anymore.

"Annie! Come down!" My dad yells from downstairs, pulling me from my thoughts.

I lazily roll out of bed, pulling an oversized hoodie over my body before making my way down the stairs.

"What?" I mutter tiredly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

He gives me a once over, his brows furrowing in what looks like disgust.

"Go get yourself dressed. We are having guests over for dinner soon" his tone quite literally emotionless, so cold and blunt.

"Who?" I ask him, but he's already walking away from me.

"Good chat dad" I mutter sarcastically before walking back up to my bedroom, knowing damn well I'm not going to have a choice in attending this dinner.

After showering and making myself look somewhat presentable, I walk down the stairs to see none other than Ward and Rafe.

I stop dead in my tracks, Rafe seemingly doing the same.

"You said she wasn't going to be here" he whisper shouts to Ward, making me roll my eyes.

"Rafe!" Ward scolds his son quietly but sternly.

"Nice to see you both, but I think I'm gonna pass" I finally speak, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Thank god for that" Rafe mutters to himself in a snarky way, making me shoot him a look.

I turn around, making my way back up the stairs before my dad practically runs after me, his hand gripping onto my arm as he tugs me back down.

I shrug him off of me, my face showing nothing but disdain for the three men standing in the hallway.

"No! You can't force me to do this" I snap at my dad, earning back a hateful glare.

"Annie..." he says my name like a warning, his voice low and authoritative.

I let out a huff, knowing that I do not have a choice at all. This is happening.

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