Chapter 2

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The days at school seemed to pass in a blur for Alvarist. Ever since Arselia had joined their class, his routine had been subtly altered, like a well-worn path diverted by the sudden appearance of a new landmark. He found himself drawn to her presence, her quiet elegance and thoughtful demeanor a stark contrast to the bustling chaos of the school corridors.

One afternoon, as Alvarist sat in the library, poring over a stack of textbooks, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Glancing up, he found himself locking eyes with Arselia, who was seated at a nearby table, her expression curious yet guarded.

"Hi," she said, offering a tentative smile.

"Hey," Alvarist replied, returning the smile with a warmth he didn't know he possessed. "What brings you to the library?"

Arselia shrugged, her gaze flickering back to her book. "Just needed a quiet place to study. What about you?"

Alvarist hesitated, momentarily thrown off guard by her presence. "Oh, uh, just trying to catch up on some reading."

There was a pause as they both returned to their respective tasks, the air thick with unspoken tension. Alvarist found himself stealing glances at Arselia whenever he thought she wasn't looking, marveling at the way her hair caught the sunlight streaming through the library windows.

As the afternoon wore on, Alvarist found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on his studies. Thoughts of Arselia flitted through his mind like elusive butterflies, dancing just out of reach. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about her, something that set her apart from everyone else.

Meanwhile, across the library, Chad, a new student who had recently transferred to their school, had his eyes set on Arselia. He had noticed her the moment he walked into the classroom, her beauty and grace captivating him in an instant. Determined to make her his, Chad devised a plan to win her over.

With a cocky grin, Chad sauntered over to Arselia's table, his confidence bordering on arrogance. "Hey there, gorgeous," he said, flashing her a winning smile.

Arselia looked up, her expression guarded. "Can I help you?"

Chad leaned against the table, his eyes roving over her appreciatively. "Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Chad. And you are?"

Arselia's lips twitched with amusement. "Arselia. Nice to meet you, Chad."

Chad grinned, and his charm dialed up to maximum. "So, Arselia, what's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this? Surely, you have better things to do than study."

Arselia raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his attempts at flattery. "Actually, I take my studies very seriously. Unlike some people."

Chad's smile faltered for a moment before he recovered, his confidence undimmed. "Ah, I see. Well, maybe I could convince you to take a break and grab a coffee with me sometime. What do you say?"

Arselia hesitated, her expression cool and distant. "I'm sorry, Chad, but I'm not interested."

Chad's grin widened, refusing to take no for an answer. "Come on, Arselia, don't be like that. I promise you won't regret it."

But Arselia remained unmoved, her resolve unshakeable. "I appreciate the offer, Chad, but I'll have to decline."

With a frustrated sigh, Chad backed off, realizing that Arselia wasn't going to give in easily. But deep down, he knew that he wouldn't give up so easily.

As Chad left the library, Alvarist couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He had seen the exchange between Chad and Arselia, and while he knew he had no right to feel possessive, he couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't want anyone else to have her.

But try as he might, he couldn't find the courage to tell Arselia how he felt. And so, he kept his feelings locked away, buried deep inside his heart, where they could do no harm.

As the days turned into weeks, Alvarist found himself growing increasingly restless. He knew he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up forever, that he had to tell Arselia the truth. But the fear of rejection held him back, like a shadow lurking in the corners of his mind.

That evening, as he lay in bed, Alvarist couldn't shake the feeling that he was running out of time. He tossed and turned, the weight of his unspoken feelings pressing down on him like a leaden blanket.

But try as he might, he couldn't find the courage to tell Arselia the truth.

And so, he kept his feelings locked away, buried deep inside his heart, where they could do no harm.

But little did he know, the seeds of love had already been sown, their roots digging deep into the fertile soil of his soul.

And one day, they would blossom into something beautiful, something magical.

But until then, he could only watch and wait, hoping against hope that Arselia would see the truth hidden behind his smile.

And that someday, somehow, they would find their way back to each other.

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