chapter three

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Emma's POV

"Ok here are some blankets. We're going to sleep on the floor and, as the princess asked, you can sleep on my bed." Ashton said. 

We had just got back from town and we we're now at Ashton's house. We're all tired all I wanted to do was sleep

"It's your bed. You can sleep in it too dumbshit." I responded. Of course I wasn't going to let him sleep on the floor. It is his bed after all. But as soon as those words left my mouth I got nervous.

"O-ohh uh yeah sure. I'll be right back." he said.

I can't even believe this I am going to sleep in the same fucking bed as Ashton. I laid down on Ashton's bed and got one of the blankets that he had taken out for us. When I looked to the floor I saw that Luke, Michael, and Calum were already fast asleep.  What a surprise.

Ashton came back in the room wearing sweats and a t-shirt.Therefore, I sat up on the bed.

"I took the left side I hope you don't mind." I said.

"It's fine." he said with a smile.

My goodness. Ashton's smile made me feel like I had a thousand butterflies flying around in my stomach.

I layed back down once I saw Ashton walking towards the bed. He layed down and turned off the light.

"Goodnight." he said.

"Goodnight." I responded.

I don't care if there was a foot in between us, laying in the same bed as Ashton made me feel some type of way. And I never want that feeling to go away.


The rest of the week went on like this. We went on adventures everyday until Monday came. I was dreading for this day to come. It was the day the boys were leaving me. I know it's going to be super hard without them here with me, but they are going to live their dream of being rockstars. And I know that they are going to be happy.

The night before all the boys stayed at their own houses just to spend some last moments with their families. And we were all going to meet up at the airport the next morning.

I couldn't believe my brother was leaving.

I got up early and went to Michael's room. All his luggage was already outside of his room. I knocked and opened the door to see Michael still laying in bed. I walked over to him and layed down next to me.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." he said.

"Me neither." I responded.

"But I knew you would make it someday Mikey."

He chuckled.

"I'm going to miss you sis."

"Not any more than me. Promise ne your going to text me everyday, or atleast when you can."

"I promise." He said with a smile.

We just layed there in silence.


A/N : Okayy so kind of a sappy chapter towards the end but heyy whatcha ganna do ? So I hope you guys like this chapter please remember to vote and if you guys have any suggestions comment them i'm always looking for feedback :).

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