Chapter 25 - Elyse

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I never would have been able to fall asleep if it weren't for Ben pressed against my back, his arms around me and his breath coming and going in a solid pattern.

I think he's right. All the things that have always been such a concern to me . . . they don't really mean anything. Because I'm better now. I'm not living that life. I may not be healed, but I'm living my best life with the people I care for.

Kamal is gone. But Leola is here. And so is Ben.

Ben's right. I'll get to Starfall when I get there. I can't forget about the people I have left.

So in the comfort of Ben's presence, a slumber finds me. It pulls me in and wraps itself around me. It lets me disappear for a while.

When I wake, it's still dark. I feel the weight of Ben's arm over me, and after a moment of listening to his breath, it's confirmed to me that he's asleep.

I make sure not to wake him with my movements as I flip over to my other side so I can face him. Once I'm comfortable, I find myself just looking at him as he sleeps. He looks so . . . peaceful. And innocent, somehow. With his brow loose over his closed eyes, he looks as if he doesn't have a worry in the world. Like nothing can bother him.

I let myself look at him for a moment longer. Although I consider the fact that this might be a creepy thing to do, I don't really care. Because he's actually really cute, and I want to care about him. I do care about him.

But I should check on Leola. I don't know how long I slept, and she shouldn't have to pilot the ship very much longer.

It's oddly hard to leave Ben's side. I find myself looking back at him with every other step I take toward the upper deck.

Finally I tear my attention away from him and force myself up.

It's only a bit lighter on the main deck. Leola is leaned back in her chair, and for a moment it looks like she's sleeping. But she must hear me coming, because she glances back, and when she sees me she smiles.

"Hey," she sighs as I come up beside her.

"Hey." I can't help but smile the slightest bit as I look out at the glowing stars. "Ready to take a break?" I offer.

"Yeah, I think so. I've been sitting here for, like, four hours."

I nod and offer to help her out of the seat. "Unless you want to sleep five feet away from Ben, you might want to take the hammock."

Her eyes narrow and she grins. "Got it." I expect her to leave, but she lingers in the next moment. Without warning, she slams into me with a hug.

I sigh into her shoulder and give her a good squeeze. She holds on tight for a long moment before letting me go.

"Okay, goodnight," she breathes with a small smile. I watch as she crawls into the hammock in the back.

I turn back to the sky and make myself comfortable at the wheel. I've always loved this spot. Especially at night, this place at the helm feels magical. It's like I can go anywhere, do anything. It's like I'm free.

The stars seem to grow closer as the world passes below us. We've definitely come out of the Parlemity Mountains completely, but I can't really tell where we are exactly. It's too dark. Once it's day, I should be able to estimate our location.

Soon the only sound is of the soft purr of the cat and my own deep breaths. In the silence, it's easy to slip back into the pain of the last day. But somehow, that Kamal-shaped hole doesn't feel so big anymore. It's still there, but the burn doesn't wrap all around me any longer.

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