Chapter 13 - Blame

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Han Jisung

"I won't listen to him anymore though!" I'm quick to place a hand on Minhos shoulder, my voice desperate to sound convincing. "I'm not going to cut anyone out of my life because he says so."

Minho lifts his head from his hands, his eyes suddenly looked glassy with tears, "I-I'm so.... I'm sorry." He whispers in a broken voice, only making me lose my shit again.

"Woah woah hyung you have nothing to a-apologize for." I say in disbelief, rubbing my hand across his shoulder as he looked in dispair.

"Yes I do. Shit." Minho shakes his head and stares back at the wall. "I'm ruining your relationship aren't I? Am I making him act out? Is he hurting you because of me?"

My heart felt like it was sinking to the bottom of my stomach. "Hyung you know that's not true." I sniff away my tears.

"I- I'm just... I'm sorry I'm such a bad hyung." Minho sighs, wiping his eyes before sending me a smile. He always held back his emotions, he always tried to look strong in front of me.

Was he hurting?

"Minho..." I sigh as well, my voice trailing off.

This day might be one of the most emotional I've had in a while. I didn't know how to react or what to say, I just felt like every aspect of my life was crumbling.

I just want a break.

After a few moments of silence, in which minho looked like he was deep in thought, he turns to me, "do you want to... maybe watch cars?"

For a second, I stare at him with no words, we were both just crying after all, but then a smile blooms on my face. That was the movie the two of us spent our whole childhoods obsessing over. When we would come home from elementary and spend the evening rewatching the movie together, those memories were the best

It made my heart flutter to remember those times, and to feel the connection with Minho that only blossomed to more than just watching cars over time.

"Of course I want to watch cars." I let out a half cry half laugh as I wipe the tears from my eyes, watching the way Minho giggled and his teeth peaked out from behind his lips.

I wanted to forget about my problems with Baekho, and being with my bestfriend felt like the stress just faded away.

Even though my heart clenched at the idea that Minho blamed himself, I wanted him to know that I didn't blame him. Baekho and I were just having a rough patch.

Minho was my bestfriend and if Baekho couldn't accept that then that's not my problem.

I cared for them both.

The two of us sat with our backs leaning against the headboard and Minhos laptop placed in our laps, the kids movie that Ive watched 100s of times playing on the screen.

I felt comfort. The warm presence of Minho at my side made the ache in my heart slowly fade.

Baekho couldn't ruin this feeling could he?


Lee Minho

I stared at the movie, my thoughts however drifting away. The voice lines that I had pretty much memorized in the movie becoming background noise.

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