Tears on Her 15th Birthday

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"After finishing her hair she would take out a mirror and show Deri her new hairstyle. Deri's eyes would sparkle with an unknown feeling to her. Her face would slowly crack a smile with a blushed expression. Ce and Cherry would notice and cover their mouth with their hands as they've never seen the girl smile. Deri would turn around and look at both them with a big smile."

Deri: Thank you both I love you so much!

" The place was nosy but the sound of the kid cut through the air and everyone heard the girl use her first words. The guild noise was instantly cut. They were all shocked at what they heard."

Caster: Hey Deri what did you say ?

"Caster would drop to his knees in front of the girl. She would look around at all the people in guild remembering each of their deeds and what they've done for her. She remember all the things that made her happy and all they've done for her. She once more smiled and yelled to everyone now."

Deri: Hehe I LOVE YOU ALL.

"Caster and everyone's would explode with so much emotions as they couldn't believe their ears. All their eyes started to water as they all raised this girl together for a whole year and never thought this would happen. Deri's scars on her body will never fade but her heart that was once filled with hatred, anger and sadness would be filled with all the people in the guild that she cared so much about. Caster without hesitation would hug her."

Caster: Took you fucking long enough kid. You had me worried that you would never talk...I often made routes through your village....I use to see this beautiful little girl smiling and spinning around with so much life in her and the people use to adore you. They'd clap for you when you danced and feed you when you were hungry. You and your sister was two peas in a pod. Shit you even gave me an apple when I accidentally bumped into you, But after awhile I stopped seeing you around and the villagers eyes was filled with so much sadness it seemed like. Women looked sad like they lost their kids and some of the men was even sad but I quickly realized they were only putting on a front and...Well we set the place on fire thinking they killed you or sacrificed you, But to me and Ce's surprise you were in a basement still alive...I thought...damnit kid ! I never thought I'd see you smile again or even talk....damn damn damn...!

"Deri didn't realize Caster and the group cared so much for her. She would give Caster a big huge comforting him gently. She would then go around the room giving everyone a hug but when she got to Ce. She gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Which made Ce blush. Ce has never felt so many emotions in her before."

Ce: Awww kid I'm your favorite person that makes me feel so happy....

" Deri would look at Ce and giggle"

Deri: I like women too! I wanna be with you!

" Ce and the guild was surprised and started laughing hard after hearing that. Ce patted Deri's head gently."

Ce: How about you get older and I'll think about being with you. After all I'm only 17 we're far apart in age are we ?

Deri: My birthday is today so I would be 15 today...

" Everyone would go dead quiet."

Caster: Huh....What....T-Todays your birthday...

Deri: Yes


Caster: We have to celebrate now !!

" The guild would be filled with so much life that day. Like an angel graced them. They all started preparing and setting up things as Cherry would cover my eyes for the next 5-8 minutes humming my favorite song of hers into my ear. After she would remove her hands slowly."

Everyone: Happy Birthday Deri.

Deri: That day those guys were so happy to set up my birthday party they god their all assassins, but that guild had such a beautiful heart that made them one of best assassins and family I ever known.

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