bonus chapter 2

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As a younger sibling, I was educated by the example of you and my other older siblings. Making you and my two other brothers as role models according to the advice of my father, mother and most people around me. I was also taught to obey your orders and advice. They used to say.

“Sis, take your older brothers as an example. They are smart, diligent and independent. You have to obey your brother's advice."

I'm both happy and sad, why am I both happy and sad? I'm happy that you are getting married after your long wait, maybe I don't know much about your love story, because you never shared your story with me. What makes me sad here is that soon you will belong to your husband, one by one all my older siblings will have their own families, and maybe all of them will be busy with their own families, and you will be the last to get married by the time I understand what marriage is.

I'm sad because I'm afraid that your attention to your younger sibling will decrease, your attention to your family, especially your mother, will decrease, because you will be busy with your new family. Honestly, even though I never express my affection every day, to be honest, from the bottom of my heart, I don't want you to have someone else, I don't know what kind of feelings you have, sis, but what is clear is that I can't let you go. But you have made all the decisions, you will get married, I'm happy to hear that, sis.

All the fears above are just my fears if your attention to me and my mother decreases. Maybe I don't have much to say, sis, just a request, don't forget your family, when you have a family, don't reduce your attention. Keep being the same Mbak Is who is sometimes annoying but I still love you

If I'm honest, I also feel it's strange if we have to be honest about our feelings. I can't imagine how awkward the atmosphere will be when Dobby and you meet face to face and talk about our relationship. I guarantee my mouth will not be able to say the words about how much affection and love I have.

But I really believe, you will also do the same thing, that among the prayers that are said there is my name which you never fail to pronounce. Without needing to exchange hugs, I am the one who never forgets to give you attention.

Dear my older sister, I hope this letter doesn't make you feel bad for me. Maybe you're a little amused and uncomfortable, but I'm happy you want to read it, sis, when I meet you, I'll definitely be a little embarrassed for you. Thank you infinitely for all your kindness, advice, suggestions and criticism as an older sibling to your younger sibling. I miss you so much sister.

This is from your adorable little brother Kim Doyoung,

Who hopes you stay by my side..

Selesai vidio dari kim Doyoung itu vidio di hentikan sebentar untuk menanyakan apa akan di lanjut atau tidak karena di lihat dari kondisi sudha hampir semua nya menangia bahkan si MC sekali pun

Setelah mendapat persetujuan vidio satu nya kembali di putar kan yang terakhir yoshi karena dia yang terakhir membuat nya

Halo jaehyukie sekarang kamu akan menikah kan?

Aku sebagai kakak tentu sangat senang, bangga dan bahagia namun aku masih mengenang jasa-jasa dimana kamu kembali ke rumah dan mengadu kepada ku bahwa kamu di jaili oleh park jeongwoo apa kamu ingat itu? Itu sungguh lucu hahahahah

Tapi aku kaget saat kamu tiba-tiba pernah bertanya seperti ini kepada ku saat aku sedang akan menggantikan mobil kun karena sudah rusak lumayan parah kamu tiba-tiba datang dan dengan mengejutkan nya kamu malah bertanya kepada ku"kalo eonni mau eonni bisa beli biar aku yang bayar sebgai hadiah pertama dariku untukmu "sungguh aku terkejut jae saat kamu bicara seperti itu

Aku senang adik yang selalu ceria dan selalu membuat semua orang tertawa sekarang kamu akan menjadi hak orang lain aku harap suami mu tak melarang mu untuk menemui ku ya jika sampai dia melarang makan akan 
Aku bunuh dia seenaknya melarang adik ku bertemu kakak nya

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