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The courtroom is filled to capacity with a tense and expectant crowd. The press is present, cameras positioned strategically to capture every moment, broadcasting the trial live. Minho sits at the defendant's table beside his lawyer, Ms Lin. Across from them, the prosecution team is ready. In the gallery, the members, including Seungmin, sit anxiously, along with the families of the victims.

The bailiff calls the court to order as the judge enters and takes his seat on the bench.

"All rise. The court is now in session, the Honourable Judge Kim presiding."

Everyone stands as the judge takes his seat. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation.

"Please be seated." The Judge says The judge looks over the courtroom, his gaze stern and authoritative.

"We are here today for the trial of Minho Lee, who stands accused of two counts of first-degree murder. The defendant has confessed to these crimes, but there are mitigating factors that need to be considered, including his mental health. This trial will determine the appropriate sentencing."

The judge pauses, ensuring everyone understands the gravity of the situation.

"This trial is being recorded and broadcast live due to the public interest and the severity of the charges. We expect decorum and respect from everyone present."  The judge turns to the prosecution.

"Prosecution, you may make your opening statement."

"Thank you, Your Honour." She says. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today we will present evidence and testimony that demonstrate the brutal nature of the crimes committed by Minho Lee. These were not acts of passion or desperation but calculated and heinous actions that resulted in the tragic deaths of two innocent individuals. We acknowledge the defendant's mental health issues, but we believe that justice must be served for the victims and their families."

She then nods to the gallery, where the victims' families sit, their faces etched with grief. "We will call witnesses who will testify."

The prosecutor returns to their seat. The judge then turns to Ms Lin.

"Defence, you may make your opening statement. "

"Thank you, Your Honour." Ms Lin said, standing up steadily. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Minho Lee, has taken full responsibility for his actions. He has confessed to his crimes and is deeply remorseful. However, it is crucial to understand that Minho suffers from severe mental health disorders, possibly undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Psychotic Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and likely Schizophrenia. Your Honour, you can read the papers analysed by our psychiatrist. "

She said, and the judge nodded, reading medical documents.

"We will present expert testimony on Minho's mental state, and we will show that he needs psychiatric help, not just punishment. We ask that you consider his willingness to seek treatment and his genuine remorse when deciding his fate. "

"The prosecution calls Dr. Min, the forensic psychiatrist who evaluated Minho Lee, to the stand." The prosecutor says.

Dr. Min, a middle-aged man with a calm demeanour, approaches the witness stand, takes the oath, and sits down.

"Dr. Min, can you explain your findings regarding the mental state of the defendant, Minho Lee?" The prosecutor asks into the microphone and the individual nods.

"Certainly. Based on my evaluation, Mr. Lee exhibits symptoms consistent with multiple severe mental health disorders, including,

Borderline Personality Disorder, which is characterized by unstable relationships, emotions, and self-image, along with impulsivity and intense mood swings which Lee Minho exhibits.

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