Orange and Overwhelmed [Season 7] [New]

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Murdoch chuffed into Brendam Docks to start his day's work. It was very busy and very noisy.

"Ahoy there, matey," Salty said quietly.

"Ahoy, Salty," Murdoch whispered with a smile.

Before they could say any more, James pulled up next to them and whistled grandly.

"Why are you two whispering?" he asked with accusatory glee.

" the peace and quiet," muttered Murdoch.

"Sometimes it's nice to hear the sea breeze and the singin' gulls," said Salty heartily.

"Ha," snorted James, "there's no better sound than a whistle from the shiniest red engine on Sodor! And the cheering passengers!"

Before the others could disagree, James blew his whistle again and steamed away.

Later, Murdoch was pulling the slow goods train through the countryside.

As he went around the next bend, he saw Thomas. He had a goods train of his own to pull but it didn't look like he was going anywhere.

"Thomas!" wheeshed Murdoch, "What’s happened?"

"There’s something wrong," wheezed Thomas, "I can't get enough steam. My driver is going for help now." He sighed before adding "I won't make my delivery on time now."

"Maybe I can help," exclaimed Murdoch, "I'm a very strong engine! We can couple your trucks to the back of my train. Where do they need to go?"

"Crovan's Gate," said Thomas, "oh, thank you Murdoch!"

After a few minutes, Murdoch was ready to leave. The load was heavier than he had expected but he hauled with all his might. Soon, he got going.

"Come...on..." wheeshed Murdoch as he pulled and pulled.

"This load is too heavy," called his driver.

"Just the next station," pleaded Murdoch. When there was no reply, he kept pulling.

Just as the next station came into view, there was a loud crack! One of Murdoch's cylinders was broken. He couldn't puff on.

"At least there's a station with a telephone right there," offered his fireman.

Murdoch said nothing. He just looked down in shame.

After a while, he heard a whistle. It was a whistle he recognised.

'It's James,' he thought, 'oh, what a relief!'

"Hello again, Murdoch!" tooted James, "I'm here to take you to the repair yard."

Murdoch smiled but said nothing. As James was coupled to him, he noticed a crowd on the station platform. Everyone was cheering and clapping.

"Yes, that's me, the shiniest, reddest and most useful engine on Sodor," called James.

"Hooray for Murdoch!" called out a little girl.

"He helped Thomas," said her sister, "even though the load was so heavy!"

"What a great friend!" said a little boy.

James' face fell. Murdoch had to stop himself from laughing.

James quickly pulled Murdoch away from the station and into the countryside.

"Peace at last," huffed James.

"Passengers can be noisy," sighed Murdoch. Secretly, though, he was flattered by their kind words.

When the two of them arrived at the repair yard, Thomas was already there. He was surprised to see Murdoch.

"Did you break down trying to help me?" he asked.

"Uh, yes," Murdoch said sheepishly.

"It's not your fault, Thomas," interjected Murdoch's driver, "we should have known the load would be too heavy for good old Murdoch."

Thomas smiled.

"You're a good friend for trying to help," he said.

"And James," Murdoch said just as James was about to puff away, "you're a good friend for helping me. Thank you."

James gave Murdoch a small smile and then made his way over to the sheds. Everyone was happy to see him and they all chattered loudly as the sun went down.

"They seem like they're having fun," said Thomas.

"Yes," said Murdoch quietly, "but it is nice to be a bit quieter over here."

The two friends smiled. Neither of them could wait to catch up on all the gossip but until then, both of them were happy to enjoy the calm, quiet evening.

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