Dear Daisy, Crazy Carlson

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Dear Daisy,
I wish you would tell me what's wrong. You seem so lost these days,
Staring at the stars with so much attention.
You barely speak to anyone, and worst, you don't talk to me.

Oh, Daisy,
Why are you being so distant?
Why didn't you answer my call? Did I scare you? I didn't mean it.
I called a thousand times, left a hundred voice notes.
Did you block me? I can't see your feed.
Please answer me; I need you to respond.
This is the tenth letter. Just say something.

People say I'm obsessive; I'm not; I love you.
I love you so much.
Just pick up your phone! PICK UP YOUR DAMN PHONE!!

I hope you get this letter.

Yours truly,

Crazy Carlson,
You are the reason I'm this way.
You're a maniac.
I can't sleep; I even see you in my dreams.
I look at the sky, wishing to ascend to the heavens.
Because you've made my world hell.
I isolate myself from everyone, just to find peace.
Even then, you are still here.
God, Carlson, I can't even stay at home.
How did you get my number?
No matter how many times I block you, a new one calls.
Voice notes, I'm scared of listening to.
Letters still keep piling.
Please stop; I'm begging.
It's my fault; I'm the one who reached out to you.
Even when everyone told me not to.
If you really do love me, let me go.
Just fucking let me go.

This is your last warning.
Don't fuck with me.

Yours dearest,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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