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Today had been an easy day, just a light walk through the park, a couple of lines, the director had warned them that tomorrow would be one of the harder scenes so they wanted them to rest well and save their energy for tomorrow. 

As they waited side by side, his arm naturally moved to rest over her shoulder. Not even startled anymore, she played with his thumb momentarily before he felt her let go. He began blinking rapidly wondering what was wrong before he felt her fingers fully interlace with his and he had bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling. 

She has me wrapped around her fingers already. He moved to look at her and she looked at him with a soft gaze before smiling. And I don't mind this at all. 

They would walk a bit, get some b-roll clips before stopping to say their lines about how if Hae In died first, Hyun Woo follow soon after. The mic was set up at the end so they could just chat and do whatever they wished until they reached that point. 


"Hmn?" He felt her fingers against his cheek and as she gently pulled him down to kiss his lips softly. It was rare of her to add an ad-lib like this, but he wasn't going to complain. Not when it meant that he could kiss her again. It was just a peck and yet he felt his heart beat faster and faster. When she pulled away, he leaned down wanting to kiss her lips again only to see her shake her head and laugh. "Tease." 

"I'm not a tease, you're just greedy." She played with his fingers, wiggling and pulling at them. He groaned before he pulled her in closer and kissed the top of her head. 

"You know what they say about poking a sleeping lion, right?" 

"I read that it's actually the lionesses that you shouldn't mess with." She said as she cutely brought her other hand up into a paw like motion. "Nyan!"

"Pffftt." He laughed loudly, throwing his head back before bringing her closer and nuzzling the top of her head. "Ahhh..I should ask the director to not use that. It's too precious to be shared with everyone else. It was definitely a Kim Ji Won move not a Hong Hae In one."  

"Like I said. Greedy." 

"Only for you." 

As they finished the day, the crew already starting to pack and plan for tomorrow's big shoot, he looked around to see Ji Won taking pictures of the scenery around them. He smiled as he jogged over to her and tapped her shoulder before moving to her other side playfully, laughing at her how her head snapped from one side to the other. 

"Wow...유치해(how childish)." She laughed and turned to look at him. "수고했어요 (You worked hard.) Oppa. Really. You're so good." 

"It isn't hard work when your partner is as good as you are." He said before he smiled boyishly at her. His hair style today made him look younger and it suited him really well. "Dinner?" 

"Shouldn't we eat with the crew?" 

He shook his head stubbornly. "Date number two."  He held out a peace sign then he leaned in to give her a small peck on the lips before pulling away with a smirk waving his two fingers like a white flag. "I think I was owed one more kiss." 

"Now whose the tease." She giggled and hit his chest playfully before looking around to see if anyone saw them before glaring at him slightly. "Oppa. You have to be more careful. Especially since you have fans everywhere and I don't want to be the cause of any problem for you." 

"Ji Won-ah. We are here to film. If anything people might think we are just practicing for a scene...and...even if you do cause any problems, I'll be more than happy to fix it for you. Just trust me and I'll take care of you." 

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