Yummy Funny Bunny Supreme! - Chapter 5

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Night had fallen across the skies of Heaven. While there was a crowd that stayed up and wandered about the beautiful star displays, the midnight parades, and of course the many clubs that only opened past midnight, Emily preferred to spend the night in. All things considered, it had been a long day; a new face, finally, a big meeting with the archangels and a lot of research that ultimately led nowhere.

A shame, sure, but not wholly disheartening! Maybe this Long Sleeves individual was nothing of concern in the first place. If they were Emily would have been told about it, right? And sending Adam of all people to deal with it surely meant it wasn't a big deal, right? Come on, it was Adam! Emily had a hard time believing he could swat a fly out of the air, let alone some kind of crucial security breach in Heaven.

Emily always felt as if the best parts of the day were when you woke up and when you drifted off to sleep. They were contained in this strange wonderful bubble of liminality that couldn't quite be replicated when you were awake. No overbearing worries or struggles, you simply existed, and that's all you needed to do. Breathe rhythmically and open or close your eyes. Reflect on the day you just had; the meetings, the greetings, the screenings, the organising, the... well, the everything...

Wow, maybe Emily needed a break.

The fresh air was helping a little; currently, Emily was standing on her balcony, gazing out onto the nearby festival with a tired smile. Behind her was her room, consisting of a large four-poster king-sized bed with accompanying silk sheets, a large mirror encrusted with many a gemstone, a comically large wardrobe filled to the brim with dresses a plenty, her desk and fabulous chair that was just the right amount of firmness and her little music corner. Emily enjoyed singing a lot and had a small impromptu stage set up in the far corner of her room. A microphone stand, lights she could change the colour of - she could even summon a fake audience to watch her. Well, she could summon a real audience but it felt a bit strange to pull them from whatever they were doing simply to watch her.

A soft knocking erupted from her door. Funny, usually Sera would be fast asleep by now - she always was a sound sleeper. Honestly, Emily reckoned Sera could fall asleep during an earthquake. Perhaps some last-minute shenanigans had to be dealt with. So, with a gentle sigh, Emily left the balcony she was pondering on and skipped over to the door, opening it with a smile that violently changed into her jaw dropping to the floor.

Y/N - "Ah, here you are! First time lucky, I guess."

Emily - "Y-Y/N?!"

How did he get here?!

Oh gosh, Emily was in her nightgown and everything! She quickly spun around, morphing her outfit into her more respectable dress, and stared back at Y/N. He had this remarkable grin on his face as if he'd just won the lottery.

Emily - "W- What are you doing here? How did you get into the palace?"

Y/N - "I, uh, I walked through the door. Big door, isn't it? Are some of the angels really tall or is it just a presentation thing?"

Emily - "It's both- how did you get past the guards?! They don't usually allow anyone in past midnight."

Y/N - "Charm and wit, my dear~ I told them I had an important meeting with the Seraphim, which not only is true but a guaranteed entry with a big enough smile and large enough eye flutters. Wordsmanship and paralinguistics get you far - and may I just say how stunning your palace is? Truly a feast for the eyes. Do you have, like, money up here? I strolled past a lot of the shops earlier and everything was just free, not that I'm complaining particularly. Just wondering how the economy works is all-"

Long Sleeves - Emily x Male Reader (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now