XV. This Is Not What I Wanted

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[Writer] Anonymous

[Title] Let's summarize the facts about A-class villain Egostic... real.

Eliminate the S-class villain Enzodiac.Eliminate the A-class villain Rhino.A special cruise ship's dilemma broadcast that throws tension at the boring Korean people. (zero casualties)He suppressed the terrorism by his followers and paid compensation to the hostages.Eliminate the A-class villain Teleporter. For your information, the Hero Association approved that it would be hard to catch him.

I don't think he is a villain Hahahahaha.

[Anonymous 1] What villain? He is certainly a true 'hero'.

ㄴ[Anonymous 2] That's right haha.

[Anonymous 4 Honestly, Egostic is better than Stardus. Haha.

ㄴ[Anonymous 5] Really. Let's be honest. What have Stardus done until now? She caught one or two A-class villains, so what? Our king Ego already caught an S-class villain. Hahaha.

ㄴ[Anonymous 6] This is a bit;; No matter how much you guys flatter him, bringing down a hero is too much. You went too far...

ㄴ[Anonymous 7] Stardus fanclub arrested.

ㄴ[Anonymous 15] Arrested HeSpy.

ㄴ[Anonymous 16] What is HeSpy?

ㄴ[Anonymous 17] Hero Association Spy

ㄴ[Anonymous 6];;;;

[Anonymous 8] Please eliminate the villain~ Please also do entertainment. Honestly, I like him~ Hahahahaha.

ㄴ[Anonymous 9] You like a terrorist. Bullshit

ㄴ[Anonymous 8] Oh, and was there any casualties? Hahahaha.

[Anonymous 10] So why are you guys swearing at Stardus? I really have no idea.

ㄴ[Anonymous 11] Isn't it because she is not as good as Egostic so people attacked her?

ㄴ[Anonymous 12] She is the least active among the three A-class heroes. Hahahaha. Honestly, Shadow Walker and Icicle saved hundreds of people by themselves, but Stardus has not done much so far.

ㄴ[Anonymous 13] Honestly, Stardus only has her face. Hahaha. Let's just lower her grade to class B and put Egostic as A-class hero.

ㄴ[Anonymous 14] The Hero Association should recruit our Mango Stick as a new hero right now!



I drooled while looking at the computer screen.

Things are getting worse than I thought.

Did the problem start when that Teleporter ran away and I had to chase after him downtown?

People must have seen me as a hero who killed villains.

I am speechless...


I entered the NaX cafe with a hazy expression.

A site called [Egostick's Official Fancafe].

Why... are there so many members?

"The future of Korea is dark!"

I looked up to the air and let out a sigh.

How can those people live in this nation? The people who support villains?

Of course, it was a problem, but the bigger problem was Stardus.

My fanclub (?), which is strangely increasing in number, has begun to pour out criticism against Stardus.