Chapter 24 Alaska's POV

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Chrissy was up to bat, leaving Benny to play third.

She stood at home and practiced a couple swings to get the feel of the bat. "C'mon Kenneth, give me everything you got," she teased confidently and pointed to centerfield, just like Hamilton did two summers ago.

"Alright Blondie, I'll give you The Heater," Kenny replied nonchalantly. He pitched the legendary Heater, something that takes months, maybe even years to master.

Wisely, she didn't swing. "Ball," Ham called, tossing the ball back to Kenny.

Way too high, I thought.

"Good eye Chrissy," Yeah-Yeah praised, making his sister smile.

"I got this," Chrissy mumbled to herself "I got this."

De Nunez pitch the ball again, this time way too low. I got an idea.

Oh man, they're never gonna let this go. Oh well.

"Rolling, rolling! Your pitcher's going bowling! Strike, yeah right, yeah right! Strike, yeah right, yeah right!" I chanted, causing everyone to look at me, even Mercedes in the dugout. "What? Haven't you ever seen a girl cheer for her friend?"

"Ball," Ham finally called and threw the ball to Kenny.

Three pitches later, Chrissy had a full count and the pressure was on. Kenny pitched the fastest ball I've probably ever seen and Christian's bat was a blur. CRACK! The ball sliced through the atmosphere with intense velocity.

We all watched the ball land in Mr. Mertle's backyard.

"Way to go to school, Meat!" Ham complimented. "I taught her everything she knows."

"Great, now we don't have a ball and it's only 9:00," Benny complained.

"Nice going," Bertram commented.

"Hey leave her alone," Timmy defended and shot Tommy a look, warning him not to repeat.

"Aw Timmy's finally gonna man up for his Blondie," I taunted playfully.

"Yeah yeah, he better, on account of she's my sister," Yeah-Yeah said, only allowing a trace of hostility in his voice.

"Shut up you sissified tweety bird," Chrissy told her brother rather brusquely.

We were all sent into a fit of laughter, but Yeah-Yeah solemnly said, " 'Kay 'kay, but at least I'm - at least I'm . . . at least I'm taller!"

Instinctively everyone turned to look at me. I crossed my arms. "Excuse me? I'm shorter than everyone here, even your sorry a**, but I don't think that really matters, does it? Because I think I'd kicked your butt in any contest."


Yeah-Yeah's POV

Jeez, I forgot Alaska was shorter than my sister! She probably hates me even more now! Stupid Alan, stupid Alan!

I felt the blood rush to my ears.

"I - I mean, it's not that big of a deal," I tried to recover. "It's cool yunno."

She walked up to me from right center and poked me hard in the chest. "Next time you call someone taller than me short, just know that I will disable you from ever using your legs again," she threatened and smiled meanly.

I gulped and nodded. She was smaller than me, but I'm, as my sister would say, 'scrawny.'

"Why don't we go to the roller rink?" Sadies suggested, hoping to lighten the mood.

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