Star-crossed Lovers of District 12

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When the train pulled into the Capitol station there were hundreds maybe thousands of oddly dressed people. There was one with a pink wig and ivory green skin and another with cat whiskers and a tail. The one word out of both mine and Pheonix's mouth was "freaks".

We were guided into a tall glass building. There were cameras everywhere. Some paid attention to me and Pheonix, others paid attention to the star-crossed lovers of District 12. My thoughts jumbled together and I felt faint and weak. But I knew I had to be brave for the cameras and most importantly my mother and father. I started seeing black lines around my vision.

"RUBIN!!!!!" That was all I remembered before I blacked out.

I woke up in a dark green room with a brown dresser on the right and two chairs with a small nightsand on the left. Pheonix, Mom, Dad, and Haymicth all paced around the room. While Effie and a woman I didn't recognize carried a conversation about Capitol fashion in the chairs. No, I wouldn't be worried about the girl who was unconscious either!

"Rue, are you okay?"Pheonix ran over to me as did the others.

"Yeah, I just.. um.."I stumbled over my words. I couldn't really think,but still my curiousity got the better of me.

"Who is she?" I say pointing the lady sitting next to Effie.

"She will be your stylist." Effie said a little too excitedly.

"Hi, my name is Cassiopiea, but you can call me Cassie for short."I just nod. Cassiopiea? What a ridiculous name! Only in the Capitol will you find someone named Cassiopiea! But for some strange reason I liked her she was nice and pretty and she wasn't extravagant like other Capitol citizens.

Pheonix scared me when he grabbed my hand unexpectantly and whispered "I need to show you something, okay?" He guided me to the roof of the glass apartment building which wasn't hard seeing as we were on the 12th floor. The view was amazing and disgusting all at once.

"Your parents were telling me we would have to put on a show for the chairots and the interviews. So, I was thinking why can't there be another pair star-crossed lovers of District 12?"

I was shocked. I knew now he liked me ,but I wasn't sure if he loved me. Now I know. And I love him too. In response to his crazy logic I kissed him. And he kissed me back. Again the kiss was short and sweet and that was how I liked it. For a while we just sat and held each other. We may be 16 but I think we were now boyfriend-girlfriend.

My parents were the first star-crossed lovers but know there are two. But this pair won't fake it. I hope the Capitol is shocked. I will not be apart of there sick twisted demented games.

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