Shades of Grey

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Two girls walked a lonely road

Each oblivious to the other

Both wore darkness like cloaks,

One in rebellion, the other in despondence

Faces obscured in night, no stars in sight

But the moon beautified their glistening cheeks, wet and salty.

Boots crunching gravel

Low hats to hide the pain

But for one who observed

What wouldn't the eyes explain?

Each trembled in pace, troubled

Oh, if only they would cross paths

Torment might lose heart

And rest its case.

Fate, meanwhile watched, quite deeply engrossed

Evil yelled and Good stood tranquil, hesitating

What must be done or what should be done was the question.

Jet black hair, one; curly silver, the other.

Pulled up the sleeve and slashed at the wrist

Black in wrath, silver in anguish

What must be done or what should be done?

The lady still watched, unresolved

Evil raged and Good, yet calm, stood tall

War awaited, restless on her perch

Eyes glinting as weapons lay still under her scarves

Evil flew by, furious whispers in the dark

The two girls walked on

Each oblivious to the other

Both on the brink of acquiescence

Two swords shimmered and the moon obliged; glorify both it must.

They met, the swords; and followed a blinding epiphany

The boulevard coughed, then smiled-

Littered with ash, a triumphant shade of grey

Off to bed went Fate, pleased with herself.

Coincidence vanquished, receded with eyebrows furrowed in ire.

War withdrew, defeat well recognized

And the devil bowed low to virtue who simply smiled.

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