Of bleeding skies & shiny forevers

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It was a chilly winter morning
The day you left
I waited and waited and waited
But the phone never rang
You didn't have the courage
You said, to stay
What if I didn't have the courage
To let you go?
But you never asked.

It won't matter a year from now, they said
Then why is it that two years later
I still smile at the thought of you
Your raspy voice at midnight
The lovely things you said to me
The way you subtly put my insecurities to sleep
And adorned my flaws with your love
And made me feel infinite?
And when I get to the part where you leave
Why does my stomach sink
And my heart feel like it's being twisted like a screw?
Why does it beat crazily
Every time I see a text from an unknown number?
Why does it hope like hell that it's you
And fear that possiblity at the same time?
Why am I so terrified
To love again
Helpless, to even harbor the thought
Of love again?

Those lonely nights
When I stay up and reminisce
Do you look up at the sky
And see my pain and longing
Etched across the stars?
Does it reflect your own?

All those promises you made
Hot chocolate on a cold night
Wrapped in each other's arms
at that new food joint you raved about
Just the two of us
I'll always be there, you said
No matter what
But then you left
On a cold winter morning
When I needed to be held close
And told that everything was going to be okay

It poured like hell that evening
The world cried with me
As clumsily made promises and short lived forevers
Came crashing down
And the shattered pieces of my broken heart
Were strewn across the night sky
A token of my love, and my ceaseless hope
That someday you'll look up to see the bleeding sky
And you'll run back to me
With hot chocolate and a warm hug
Wraped in a shiny forever.

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