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I woke up to an empty bed. He had already left for his duties. I was surprised I didn't wake up when he left. My heart sank... he finally showed me his face... his... very interesting face.

I understood his decision, but I didn't get it. I see his face. I'd a little different, but he was far from ugly. His chiselled jawline and lips were quite enticing. His scars weren't repulsive or gross. They were odd but not something that would push me away, and his teeth... sharp and pointy. They were interesting and nice to play with. I get he's conscious about such things. But no matter his views, mine haven't changed. If anything, I find myself even more enamoured than before. He trusts me. And even... likes me. He kissed me and held me, and let me stay with him.

We're finally making progress. This almost made me forget about mamas request... I laid there as that feeling hit me. My nerves were through the roof. As much as I love how close I'm getting to my husband. All it means is I'm getting closer to something I dont feel ready for.

It's always been on my mind even before the wedding, I knew when I was married off, I'd have to not only be an outstanding wife, but an outstanding mother too. It's something my family has beaten into me my whole life. I knew it was my duty as a princess. Yet it just feels too soon...

I frowned as I sat up. A shiver ran down my spine. Remembering yesterday's encounter. What do I say to him...

I got up and exited the room, walking to the kitchen. I yawned. I was expecting to see katakuri. Instead, I was greeted by a note reading that he was away for business and won't be back for a few days...


I sighed and walked over to the stereo and put some music on. And I began to dance around the living room. I stared outside through the window and raised a brow... im sure I can go for an adventure.

I ran upstairs and put on a dress, looking at myself in the mirror, I sighed, turning around, a pout on my face. I took off the dress and grabbed some scissors, doing some alterations. Putting it on, I smiled as my wings stretched out the back. I picked up my bag and opened the window, taking a deep breath. I flapped my wings and gently lifted off of the window. Looking at the veiw was beautiful. It was a whole new look on the world. I could go anywhere.... in toto land of course.

I smiled, and I flew, nowhere to go...

I flew over the city, hopping from roof to roof, that's when I saw a pretty woods. Wandering in, I took in nature. Thought VERY different from my home country. This place was... alive in a different way.

The plants spoke to me loudly, cheering and smiling. I landed on the ground and began to walk through the forest. It was nice to be outside. Even if it would be nicer with someone. I reached a bridge, so I sat on it and dangled my feet off, running them through the streaming juices underneath. I frowned. I wonder what the real ocean looks like on a day like this. I wonder what else is out there.

I got up and wandered around for a long while. Talking to the trees and flowers, even the floor was alive. I did this every day... waiting.. sometimes, I'd run into a Charlotte. Brulee did come see me too, which was kind of her. But over the past days, I'd stayed in the Forrest. I guess it just felt like home, I'd slept in the trees and watched the stars every night. My family wouldn't even let me outside at night or hardly ever unless it was to greet the public. I softly smiled as I drifted asleep. 


Katakuri unlocked the door and sighed, and he locked it behind him. He paused.

Not a sound. He walked into the living room and then the kitchen. He was slightly confused but shook it off. He saw his note in the same place, he scrunched it up and threw it in the trash. He couldn't sense any life in the house. He began to get a little concerned. He walked upstairs and walked straight to your room. Knocking, with no answer, he opened the door. No one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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