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I froze in confusion, I didn't know what the hell was going on. The Next thing I knew my curiosity got the better of me. I took a deep breath, slowly opened the door and stepped inside. My teeth chattered, it was colder down here and darker. I had no choice but to leave and come back later.

I went back upstairs and told my men that we would have one more day then they can take this place down. I felt guilty I didn't say anything about the room downstairs, well if it is a room I couldn't see anything.

Heading home, all that was running through my mind was that room and what was in it.
I kept thinking, when someone honked the horn. My thoughts disappeared, I looked at the street light it was green. I hit the gas pedal and drove home.

All through the night I couldn't sleep, I kept dreaming about that room. What was in it? Why was it there? And a lot more questions. I ended up not being able to sleep, so I went downstairs and sat on my couch. Drinking some water I decided to turn on the television, me being the curious type I changed the channel to CNN news since that's usually where I mostly keep the channel on.

"Over the past weeks three children were brutality beaten to death, the police have no leads to the cases. Although, the murders are similar. The killer apparently targets children's first letter of their name starting with "M". More information after the break."

I shook my head, I wanted to hear more about it. My brain was shutting down, before I knew it I blacked out.


"Help me.....Help...." I woke up, hearing a monotone voice. Looking around my surroundings, I noticed that I wasn't at home.

Fog filled the air, I felt like I couldn't see in colors because everything around me was black and white.
I was in a bedroom, the walls had roses imprinted on them. The bed was a queen size and had also rose imprinted on the bed sheets. Just everything around me had roses imprinted.
I tried to speak but it felt like someone had taken my voice away from me. Scanning my eyes around the room, I noticed a wooden door. A huge rose imprinted on it. I slowly walked towards the door, every hair on my body standing up.
Touching the knob on the door, a shiver ran up my spine.

I turned the knob and step outside the room.

I found myself in the forest.

Everything was still in black and white. I was confused on why I was outside, looking behind me I could still see the bedroom. I decided to keep walking forward instead, Didn't really want to stay in the room anymore.

Silence filled the air, only the sound of the trees rustling was heard. That soon changed when I stepped on something hard, wincing a little. The pain was the same pain you would feel when you stepped on a Lego.
I took a deep breath before looking down at what I had stepped on, it was a doll. Considering how the doll had been outside, it was actually quite clean. She wore all black, had golden locks of hair, and lime greenish eyes.
Staring at the doll for what seemed like hours, I decided to keep walking. The sound of someone sobbing filled the air . It actually began to get louder the deeper I went into the forest. Soon enough the sobs turned into screams like the ones you hear in horror films.

I had to cover my ears once in awhile, the screams were unbearable.


The screaming had stopped, it was replaced by a girl calling for someone.


There it was again.


The voice just kept repeating.


Who was this Adi?

Before I could turn around I felt hands on me, a bunch of them. I heard multiple voices whispering, saying something I couldn't quite make out. Again I tried to speak but to no avail. I was soon dragged down into the earth.

Don't read the diary..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang