The girl

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I wake up, covered in sweat and my breathing quickening. Scanning around my surroundings, I noticed that I was now in my living room. Laying on the couch while the television was on, a horror film playing.
I quickly turn it off, go to my kitchen and sip a glass of water. My mind wouldn't stop spinning, I just had the worst headache ever. I sighed in relief as the cold water ran down my throat. Coughing afterwards I decide to go take a long shower.


Arriving at work, I sit in my office searching through the web about the murders that have happened recently.

'May williams, Matthew Smith, and Megan Douglas, those are the names of the killer's victims that he\she has murdered over the past weeks.'

I kept scrolling.

'They were badly beaten and then carved a rose on their left cheek. We think that it's a symbol of the killer, police have been patrolling around their neighborhood since the murders were awfully close to each other.'

I sighed, but kept reading.

'Unfortunately the criminal disappears without a trace, so the police have no leads on where to look first other than the children's corpses. This is pretty much all we have, we'll keep you guys updated.'

I turned off my laptop, sighing and looking out my window. Just then my
Office phone goes off, I was startled and almost fell off my chair. Picking the phone up, I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Hello?" Tiredness and irritation were mixed together in my voice.

"Charlie? Charlie! I need to show you something fascinating! It's simply something, come to the house!"

They hung up.

I groan in frustration, forcing my feet to get a move on.


Minutes later I arrive at the O'Connor's. Walking inside I was greeted by sergeant Nicholas.


He shook my hand excitedly, his blue orbs sparkling a bit. I was rather confused, why was he here so early?
I shrugged my curiosity off, my eyes locked on the back door that leads to the backyard and basement.

"U-Um I'll be right back sir!" Stumbling towards the door, almost crashing into it as somebody opens the door from the other side.
I accidentally bump into the stranger only to hear them say, "H-Hey! watch where you're going will you?" The voice was a woman. Opening my eyes I looked at her, my eyes locking with hers.
She had a dark crimson color to her hair. Her blue eyes a ocean color, clothing was tight. A dark blue work shirt suit, with a tight black work skirt. She also wore black high heels and also wore some thin long socks that were somewhat clear.

"Are you just going to sit there... or are you going to help me up?"

I heard her say breaking my thoughts, I quickly stand up and hold out a hand to her. She quickly takes it and I helped her up.

"Sorry...I was heading-


I raised an eyebrow, how'd she know? I looked towards the window behind her and nodded. Making eye contact is...well weird. For me that is.

"Well we just finished checking downstairs, if you want you can still check for yourself." She put a hand on her hip, while looking at her binder.

"Ahh okay thank you ma'am" I bow my head slightly and before I opened the door I heard her say, "my names Marianne"

"That's good to know." I quickly muttered under my breath and practically dashed down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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