68 - Another

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(Sorry, I'll edit later...)

"What are you hiding from me, Remis?" Lucius scowled, "what happened?"

Remis' heart soon started beating out of his chest. He didn't know how exactly Lucius remembered his scent so perfectly and he definitely didn't understand his sudden change in attitude. How could he get him back to normal? If this prince, who apparently likes him, changes his previously adorable persona and becomes a possessive, obsessed royal, it would be horrible. In the future, when he'll be his aide, he'll spend an entire day with this sulking golden retriever.

"I..." Remis laughed haltingly. Lucius continued to approach closer, making Remis press his back farther into the couch, leaning his head back. "It was just because he..."

Lucius' scowl deepened, his brows creasing together, and his eyes widened. "He? Your roommate? The one you saw naked? What did you do-"

"He was crying! What was I supposed to do!"

"Well, what did you do?"

"I don't know, does it matter! It wasn't that big of a deal, anyway. Why do you care so much? Are you jealous? Stop being childish!" Remis felt his palms grow sweaty as he rambled on, bringing him closer to his demise, as he glared straight at Lucius. He felt his head wedged between the prince's forearms and gulped.

"Yes, I am jealous! You should already know by now, I- ugh..." Lucius rolled his head back and sighed tiredly. "I'm exhausted," he muttered, moving back. Remis felt his constricted chest open up as he saw the prince moving back and felt a wave of relief.

Why do I have to deal with this... Remis thought, feeling wronged. Lucius was a tsundere, not someone who would tack onto his aide and follow him around, berating him if he "smelled" different. He wasn't supposed to get this heated, and he wasn't supposed to act so crazed. Why did his attitude change like this?

"...then, I'll be leaving now, your highness..." Remis mumbled under his breath, slipping off the couch and inching towards the door after he got no response. His eyes haphazardly flitted past the crown prince, but then he saw the royal's shoulders quaking and his lips pursed.

When Remis halted and resigned himself to stay a bit longer, Lucius turned back. His eyes were red, his teeth gnawing on his inner cheek, tears pooling under his eyes threatening to spill out. Yet, his face was expressionless, his eyes numb. It frightened him.

"Why are you like this, Remis?" the prince choked, the tears finally spilling out of his eyes, down his cheeks. "You know why I'm being like this, so why do you act like you don't... I'm so sick of this, you don't- hic..."

Remis panicked. Oh, crap. "I-I'm sorry! Sit down, your highness, I'll grab a towel, hold on..." he rushed over, grabbing the prince's rather muscular forearms and pulling him to the couch. The prince didn't struggle, meekly allowing him to tow him wherever, but his tears only worsened, becoming a small river on his face. Remis's anxiety was at its peak when he saw the crying intensify. When he tried to walk away to grab towels for the tears, the previously complacent prince's hand grabbed the fabric of the black-haired youth's shirt and pulled him back in.

"Hold on, I'll return soon, so don't..." Remis tried to peel himself off, but to no avail. Eventually, he gave up and just sat in a royal's lap like an overgrown teddy bear for the giant golden retriever underneath him. He felt the back of his shirt warm as it dampened, and a sense of déjà vu hit him. Am I a player? "Stealing and breaking hearts", I feel like I'm really becoming a scumbag...

"Y-your highness-"

"Whenever we grow close, you call me your highness... and yet you and that knight are...! Hic..." The prince sniffled and buried his head further into Remis' back. "...I didn't even want to feel like this, but you're..."

Remis shook as soon as he heard those words. Was he going to confess? He immediately began pacifying the prince. "L-Lucius, I'm sorry..."

Lucius' tears began falling faster. "And every time I try to confess, you cut me off...! Meanwhile, you with that knight...!"

Remis felt his heart freeze at that moment. Oh, shit. I fucked up. "Haha... I-"

"I confessed to you, that day... hic... and you were awake, weren't you? You knew, and- and that's why you avoided me..."

Remis felt his stomach churn and a sense of foreboding hit him. He gulped.

The prince's face, hidden by the fabric of Remis' shirt, grew a rosy red as his heart beat faster. Unable to face the black-haired youth, who he had liked for so long, all he could do was keep his face hidden, his voice muffled by the shirt as he mumbled. "I-I really, really like you... I've always liked you... and this time, you're not allowed to avoid me... I won't let you."

Lucius felt his heart beat out of his chest as he said those words. His hold on Remis' small figure grew tighter. I'll make sure you fall for me.


Sitting on a bed of warm fire, floating through the mild air currents, on the other side of campus, Remis' self-deprecating expression and occasional resigned chuckles were the only thing interrupting the peaceful atmosphere. I made two people cry in two days... My employer likes me, and now my roommate does too... I'm not even allowed to go back to my dorm room to cry about this!


I'm stuck!

Floating in the goddamn air!

On a magic fire carpet!

"This is fucking bullshit..." Remis groaned, flopping onto the warm bed of light, caressing the licks of fire as he stared off into the endless blue.

"Good morning, dear," Sylvien breathed, brushing his hand through Remis' black hair. The youth jumped and almost screamed in surprise, his motion causing him to fall off the fire. Sylvien chuckled amusedly and swooped down, grabbing his body and carrying him gently. Despite his cool demeanor, his eyes were bent, a satisfied gleam in his eye.

Remis wanted to curse. I could have fucking caught myself, you–

"You're so adorable when you're flustered, you know that?" Sylvien bent down, placing a kiss on the fuming youth's forehead. Remis' face grew hot. He wanted to light both of them on fire at this moment, but the moment his head recalled that the person currently carrying him was royalty, he restrained himself. He breathed in a strained, quaky sigh and consoled himself. It's alright... this is my best friend, the one who I would write to since young, he's acting a bit strange because he just arrived and doesn't know how to face me... he'll be normal, kind, and tame as soon as we get over this rough patch...

Remis pulled down the warm fire and tapped Sylvien's chest, signaling to let him down. Sylvien smiled and nodded, but before he did, he pulled Remis' body close and snuck another peck on the lips and chuckled coolly.

"You little–" Remis cursed, quickly moving his fire surface away from Sylvien, keeping his distance, and eyeing him suspiciously. "...what are you doing here, Prince...? May I ask..."

"I came back from the trip," his eyes bent into smaller crescents, "and I saw my father." He moved down to Remis and his wispy smile morphed into a pleased beam.

"You're going to be my husband soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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