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KitKat isn't the matter. What matters is his efforts.

"Ennaka ?" I asked in disbelief, my voice barely above a whisper.

I'm not the kind of girl who loves chocolates and ice creams, but KitKat and ice cakes has always held a special place in my heart.

It's a little secret, my own guilty pleasure that no one knew about. Yet here was Hridhan, holding out a KitKat just for me.

I couldn't believe it. My eyes welled up with unexpected emotion, a warmth spreading through my chest. How did he know ?

"Ama intha," he said softly, extending the chocolate towards me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of affection and anticipation.

In that moment, something inside me shifted. It wasn't about the KitKat itself, but the fact that he had paid attention to the little details about me, the things I hadn't even shared. The simplicity of his gesture touched me deeply.

Overwhelmed, I couldn't hold back. I stepped forward and embraced him tightly, feeling the steady beat of his heart against mine. I buried my face in his chest, a few tears escaping despite my best efforts to hold them back.

It's all about the efforts. It doesn't matter how big or small it is. When someone takes the effort to make you happy, hold on to them.

I wish to.

I wished I could have Hridhan for myself, never letting him go. But a wave of helplessness washed over me. I knew I shouldn't cling to him like this, yet the desire was undeniable.

As he caressed my back, I pulled away, reminding myself that it was already late, and he needed to get to the office.

"Bye," I said softly, forcing a smile as I watched him leave.

I closed the door behind him, the sound echoing in the quiet room. My gaze fell on the KitKat in my hand, the simple chocolate now a symbol of my conflicted emotions.

Why is he making things so difficult ?

My mind drifted back to the morning, to the moment at the checkout counter. When Hridhan asked me to bill the items, I instinctively reached for my purse.

Without hesitation, I swiped my card, paying for our groceries. Hridhan is a common man, a hardworking person who gives his all every day. Being his wife, atleast I can share his responsibilities.

But then I met Sam, and she needed change for five hundred. I didn't have any, so I had to check Hridhan's purse to see if he did. As I rifled through his wallet, something unexpected caught my eye-a photo.

And it's fucking MINE!

Everything around me seemed to freeze. Time stood still as I stared at the picture, my heart pounding in my chest.

I was so used to rejection and being treated as a commodity, and now here was this simple, yet profound revelation : my husband carried my photo with him.

What does it all mean ?

He loves you said my inner voice.

The world around me blurred as I tried to process this unexpected discovery. It felt surreal, like stepping into a dream I never thought I'd have.

I could have cried right then if Sam hadn't been there. This was a moment that seemed too tender, too intimate to share with anyone but myself.

It felt like a glimpse into a reality I had almost given up on-one where I was cherished, remembered, and valued.

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