chapter - 12 ( Enough)

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Taehyung woke up in the middle of the night. He looked at his side to see jungkook shaking in his his sleep saying " I love you the most.... more then mother and father...
please come back. Please...I can't live without you... Don't leave me alone..."

" Wake up..." Taehyung tried to wake Jungkook up thinking he was having a nightmare.

Jungkook opened his eyes and stared at the wall without blinking for a while.

" Are you okay? " taehyung asked hesitating if he should touch Jungkook.

" I am fine. Go to sleep " Jungkook replied without looking at taehyung.

Taehyung wasn't sure but he decided to obey Jungkook.

While Jungkook turned his back on him.

Taehyung tried but couldn't sleep. After hearing those words from Jungkook. Whom he was saying I love you even more then his mother and father.

Unknowingly tears started pouring from his eyes. He didn't know what he was feeling.

Jungkook never said I love you to him. But why does it matter.

Taehyung don't want love. Infact he don't even know what love is.

He thought his stepmother telling him that he should obey her was love until he grew up.

After that when when he got beaten up by her and his father stayed with him and took care of him for a while he thought that was love.

But then he realised he never wanted that love. What's the point of his father loving him, he was just there for him, never really understood him or protected him.

He stopped thinking about love. The only hope he had that his husband will like him that's it.

And the general likes him, take care of him like no other. He should be happy with it right? Since when he started hoping for more.

There are so many things taehyung had on his mind he couldn't sleep. He just closed his eyes and cried silently.

Jungkook on the other hand stared at the wall while he tried not to drop any tears.

" I am sorry I couldn't protect you..."
He muttered remembering the worst day of his life.


" What happened to your face ? " Asked jimin when he saw taehyung's face next day.

His face was puffy, eyes were red. Jimin thought he wasn't feeling well and asked him if he should call the healer.

Taehyung said no and prepared the breakfast for Jungkook.

He could feel something was wrong with the general. The way Jungkook ate his food without saying a word to him.

Taehyung heart dropped after seeing Jungkook like this. What's wrong ?

After Jungkook finished his breakfast he went to his study leaving taehyung alone.

That day taehyung didn't went to the garden also didn't do any embroidery cause he couldn't focus on anything.

Yes he could ask Jungkook and clear all the things but he was scared of Jungkook's response.

Who was that person whom Jungkook loved more then his parents ?

His thoughts were messy and it started hurting him.

Taehyung didn't realise when his breathing got faster and he hands started shaking. He cupped his face not wanting to let out any sobbing.

Jimin entered his room when he didn't saw him in the garden as it was his usual routine.

He got shocked seeing taehyung sitting on the corner shaking and crying.

" Taehyung? What happened to you? Tell me.." jimin tried to calm him down but this time he was unsuccessful instead taehyung's sobs got louder and he fell on the ground wrapping his hands around himself like a little baby.

Jimin immediately run outside to call the general.

Jungkook ran towards his chember when he heard about taehyung.

" Taehyung.."

He went close to him and pulled him on his lap from the floor.

" What happened ? Tell me dear.." Jungkook cupped taehyung's face and made him look up.

Taehyung couldn't look at Jungkook's eyes and hugged him tightly. It wasn't his usual hug Jungkook realised.

Taehyung was hugging him like his life was depend on it, his nails were scratching his back, he didn't even wanted to look up.

Jungkook didn't forced him, instead he made taehyung comfortable in his lap and hugged him back.

Kissing his forehead again and again letting him know that he is here for him. After a while he realised taehyung fell asleep. He probably got really tired.

He picked taehyung up and layed him on the bed. He wiped taehyung's face with a wet cloth and sat beside him silently.

" Wish you were here with me to tell me what should I do in this situation... How can I made him feel better. "


When taehyung woke up he could feel Jungkook sitting beside him.

" You finally woke up. " said Jungkook and called jimin to some food for them.

Taehyung looked everywhere other then Jungkook's face.

" Don't look away..." Jungkook made taehyung sat on his lap and stared at him.

When taehyung looked down he held taehyung's chin and made him look at him.

" Tell me honestly why you were crying? Did I made you upset ? "

Jungkook asked him with a serious face.

Taehyung gulped, seeing the general's face he could tell the general won't let him go without him telling the truth.

Staying with Jungkook taehyung realised no matter what he can be honest with him or atleast till now. He was really curious about his dream.

" In your sleep you said I love you to someone even said you can't live without that person. I...." Before taehyung complete Jungkook understood what he was trying to say.

" Today is my older brother Jin's birthday. Even though he was just few years older then me he used to take care of me like I am his baby....

When he used to get mad at me I used to coax him saying I loved him more then anyone.

He is dead now. So if you were feeling insecure about it..."

Before Jungkook could finish taehyung hugged him.

" I apologise for my mistake. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Jungkook chuckle hearing taehyung. He hugged him back and said " I know you can never hurt me. But you were hurting yourself by overthinking. "

Jungkook cupped taehyung's face and said " Don't ever do it again. Remember you are my wife my soulmate, no one will ever take your place. So next time do not think and just ask me like a good boy okay? "

" Okay...." Taehyung replied making Jungkook sigh.

" Look at your face. It became a red apple " Jungkook wiped taehyung's cheeks with his thumb.

" You wasted so much tears for nothing. Don't ever cry like this. I hated seeing you so sad. It really hurts.

You are the only one I have. Please stay happy if you are not then let me know you are not happy and what can I do to make you happy. "

At this point taehyung realised he had more then enough. He looked at him with the biggest smile on his face.

" Btw your father sent an invitation for the upcoming spring festival "
said Jungkook and noticed how taehyung's smile got smaller after hearing this.

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