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I watched during Glee club as Kurt interacted with that new kid, Adam. I was jealous. I had come to realize my feelings for Kurt, and I wanted him to myself.

Everything was stupid in this school. All I wanted was Kurt, and only Kurt. I wanted to just wrap him up. I wanted to hold him, and tell him he was mine. And most of all, I wanted to punch everyone who tried to steal him away from me.

Just then, Jesse St. James came walking into the choir door, and went to sit by Kurt. Kurt turned to him, and started to talk to him, and I wanted to punch Jesse. I didn't like how he was staring at Kurt. Kurt was mine!

Puck turned to me, and said, "Dude, why are you staring at my brother?"

"What?" I said. "I wasn't staring at Kurt. What gives you the idea that I'm staring at him."

"Dude, you were drooling," Puck told me. "Are you turning gay on me?"

"Nah," I said. Although, really, I was.

"Whatever dude," Puck replied. "Just, if you do turn gay, do you promise I'll be the first to know?"

"Sure," I promised. And the odd thing was, I meant it. I knew I would keep that promise, and that if I really did turn gay, like full blown gay (it wasn't gay if I only liked one guy right?) I would tell Puck. He was my best friend.

Puck nodded his head once, and started talking to Kristy. I saw as Kristy stared at Puck, and then looked at Jesse, and then back at Puck. I wondered if Kristy had some sort of crush on Jesse. Or maybe it was on Puck. I don't know, everything is just confusing.

The thing that itches me is that I know Kurt felt something, because quite honestly? If he hadn't, I would've known. And yet, here he was, acting like nothing had even happened. It sort of pissed me off actually. Pissed me off completely.

And what was with all thoswe weird glances Kurt kept giving Blaine? Sometimes it seemed like was mad at him, but then he would look at him lovingly again. Maybe gay love was just as confusing at straight love. I don't know.

I hope you like the additional look into Finn's mind. I don't like how I ended it, but honestly? This was all that goes through Finn's mind, and I doubt you want to hear more about Finn pining for Kurt. Plus, I tots want to do more Seblaine next chappie!!! Oh, and shout out to OCCDgal4life and AshtynIsMe, they've both been here for me in my time of need!

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