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Congrats to Cloudmask for being the first person to get it right. Bastian's mystery man is indeed Blaine :)

I walked into History, making sure to stay a little behind Bastian. I wanted everyone to know that we were together, but he didn't. It made me feel like he didn't love me, and trust me, that's the worst feeling a person could possibly have.

Mr. Schue looked at both me and Bastian, and said, "Blaine, Sebastian, you're both late. See me after class to talk about it."

I nodded to Mr. Schue, and then sat down in my usual spot next to Kurt.

"Hey," I said, taking his hand, and acting as if my meeting hadn't even hapened.

"Hey, Blaine," he told me. "I missed you last night. Where were you?"

He stared at me with those light blue eyes, and I felt bad for cheating on him. But, I was in love with Bastian. The only problem with that was that I was in love with Kurt still too, no matter what I may or may not tell Bastian.

"I was busy with my homework. It still feels weird to be here at McKinley," I said, lying flawlessly. Thank goodness it seamed like Kurt believed me.

Oh, how will I ever get the courage to tell you that I am in love with Bastian? I wondered, as I listened to everything Mr. Schue told us.

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