Chapter 16

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Flashback continues:
"Hyung after you went..
What happened the day before(On the day of event):
Yoongi went as he was having some work. Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok started to leave but Jin came and interrupted them "Taehyung, go to the base to get the file about the weapon consignment. Jimin and Hoseok, both of you go the office building and meet Mr Lee Min ho(random name) of Lee corporations. He said he needed to discuss about the contract".

( Kims have many business in various industries spread across many countries. They maintain their image as businessmen but they are the most feared mafia in the underground world)

"Hyung, send someone else to get the file. It's not a confidential information that I need to get it personally" said Taehyung. "Hyung, we can postpone the meeting to tomorrow. Mr Lee Min ho will understand. We need to go somewhere" said Jimin. Jin glared at them and said in a scary voice "Listen to whatever I am saying. Don't try to act smart. Go and do whatever I said" "Hyung, why are you doing like this. We really need to go somewhere. It's important, these things can be postponed" said Hoseok not understanding why Jin is behaving like that.

Jin was losing his cool and said angrily "Three of you, don't test my patience, just go and do the work I told to do" "But hyung, we have to go t-" started Taehyung but got cut off when Jin slapped him hard that made him lose his balance and yelled "I KNOW HOW MUCH OF AN IMPORTANT WORK ALL OF YOU HAVE TO DO. YOU ARE GOING TO ATTEND THE PERFORMANCE RIGHT..if any of you attended the performance, it won't be good for you as well as Areum. She will be facing consequences anyway, however if you go, the consequences will be worse. Just shut up and go to do the works I told you to" he said scarily.

All the three of them scared seeing their Jin hyung like this. None of them understood why he was behaving like that. Sure they were cold and scary but they loved their sister and would support her.

"Hyung, don't be like this, please understand, she is our sis-" Hoseok got cut off when Jin suddenly pulled him closer to himself by pulling his shirt collar "Don't talk back. I know what I am doing. Everyone here knows how much I hate her playing violin. Still, she decided to disobey me, I was letting her go  even when she was playing it at home from time to time thinking she is a kid but now she crossed her limits. And now you decided to disobey me" he said scarily and slapped him hard as well. "Think wisely and do whatever you want to do now" Jin said and left him harshly. All of them were glaring Jin.

They were not scared of the consequences that they were going to receive if they disobeyed Jin but were scared that Areum will have to face worse consequences. So they decided not to go to the event. It will hurt Areum but they didn't want to take any risk because no one can handle Jin if he was angry.

"YOU ARE A SELFISH BROTHER KIM SEOKJIN" Taehyung went out by yelling. "You don't care about anything except you, right?" Jimin said being hurt and also left from there. Hoseok gave a sad look to Jin and left with Jimin to meet their client. Meanwhile Jin just stood there by looking at them with a sad smile. "Yes, I am selfish, sorry" Jin mumbled slowly to himself and went from there.


Yoongi just stood there listening to everything they were saying. Then he sighed and said "This hyung can't control his emotions when it comes to this". "Hoseok, come with me, both of you can go" he ordered and both left from there not before they heard from Yoongi "You shouldn't have called him selfish Taehyung. I am disappointed". Taehyung just looked down and left from there.

"Yesterday Jin hyung was drinking in the bar, he was in a really bad state. On top of that, I had a bad argument with him when I went to meet him" said Yoongi to Hoseok. "Hyung, he is not even trying to forget anything. All of us are trying to forget her betrayal. It's been 8 years since she died. Taehyung and Jimin don't even know about her reality. Please tell him to forget, he can't keep the painful memories with him" said Hoseok being concerned and Yoongi sighed "I don't know Hoseok, I argued with him yesterday. Even poor Areum got punished because of that"

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