Chapter 25

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On a day where school and Quidditch games mixed. Teachers had one of two options —either go to the Quidditch game and skip class, or keep the class inside and get hated on.
As most of them didn't care to be the center of teenagers cruel pranks, they often chose the former.

Hailee sat inside the locker room, her legs straddling the bench in the middle with her bum firmly planted on the long piece of wood. Around her the Slytherin Quidditch team was changing.
Ballford sneered, feeling self-conscious with a girl in the locker room.

"Can you leave?" He asked. "We're trying to change here."
Hailee looked up from her star chart. She raised an eyebrow at Ballford who was currently naked from the waist up.
"I've seen each of these boys near naked." Hailee drawled. "If you have a problem with my being here you can go change in the girls locker room."
Ballford glared. "You're not even on the team anymore. You have no reason to be here."
"The only reason I'm not on the team and you are is because I have my families bad luck." Hailee flipped the page in her text. "Originally you didn't even make the team."
Ballfords shoulders hunched, his lip pulling back for him to snarl.

"Let it go Isaiah." Ross sighed. "Hailee is free to be in here."
"No one was asking you—"
"Shut it Ballford." Malfoy snapped, his face scrunched in an angry expression.
Ballford quietened at the glare Malfoy was giving him. Hailee turned to Zabini.

"What's up his arse?"
Zabini only sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it."
Hailee hummed, but glanced at Malfoy who was throwing on his Quidditch top. The long sleeved shirt was skin tight, showing off the defined muscles Malfoy had built up over the summer along with his flat stomach and hard chest.

Hailee shut her text, crossing her legs with the thick Astronomy book on her lap as the boys finished dressing.
When they were done, Hailee waved her wand, the broomsticks flying in from outside.

"Do you want to give the speech?" She asked Malfoy, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Kill them all." He snarled.
Hailee nearly sweat-dropped at that. "It's not Gryffindor you're facing." She reminded.
"All of them dead." Malfoy pressed.
"Oh mother magic." Hailee breathed, already knowing how this game was going to go.

Standing, Hailee grabbed Malfoys arm. He yanked, but she only tightened her grip and forced him to the corner.
He snarled at her, glaring venomously. Hailee stared dumbfounded, finding his expression a bit too much, even if he was in a foul mood.

"What is wrong with you?" She whispered.
"Nothing. I'm peachy." Malfoy smiled. More like bared his teeth.
Hailee raised an eyebrow, but shook off the questions formulating on her tongue.

Malfoy has been acting like this ever since he and her crossed paths days ago. She couldn't understand why seeing his foul mood wasn't only on her, but everyone else that dared to be in the same room, let alone facility as him.

"You remember the plays right?" She asked. "And that your the Seeker? The Quaffle isn't your job—"
"I know." Malfoy snapped.
Hailee glared. "Drop the attitude." She snarled.
Malfoy pursed his lips, though it did little to hide the murderous glint in his eye.
"You're the Captain, Malfoy. Set the fucking example and bring more than your goddamn anger onto that field. If it doesn't stop by the time you climb onto that fucking broom, I'll have Snape make Pucey the Captain, and than you'll have a real fun time. Do you understand me?"
"Good. Now go tell them something more than to just fucking kill the damn Hufflepuffs." Hailee hissed, slapping her hands on either side of Malfoys arms and spinning him around.

Malfoy stared at the team looking expectantly yet unnerved at him. He struggled with keeping his temper down as Hailee was very nearly pressed against his back.

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